Thursday, September 24, 2015

3 Things To Consider If You Want To Recruit The Best People Into Your Network Marketing Team

If you are in network marketing, you know that the fastest route to passive income is in recruiting team members into your world. This is a skill you must master if you are to see ongoing success in your chosen business and profession. Remember, network marketing is a profession, it is not a fly-by-night operation so though there may be parts of you that wants to recruit everything walking, you must understand that you are going to spend a considerable amount of time with this person so take the time to make it right by considering these key ideas.
  1. Define clearly the kind of person you want
    As mentioned already, there is no point recruiting people for the sake of ticking boxes, you may end up with a team that does nothing to further their own goals. Building a team of people that work well together further ensures that success is more likely to be yours in the long run so do not make short term decisions that you live to regret. This is your business; Get very clear on the kind of person you want in it. Do you care about their sex, their age? These things might be important to some but pay more attention to their attitude, character and how they deal with adversity and challenge.

  2. Treat this like a job interview
    Yes, you woo them into asking for the interview but once they have expressed interest in the opportunity, make them work to be a part of your team. Help them understand that you invest a lot of time in training them to be successful so you cannot take on everyone. You do have limits on your time so make sure that you recruit the best. Go into a business presentation with that attitude and you will find that people are more likely to consider it a privilege to work with you.

  3. Do Not Sell Them On It, Invite The Right Ones
    Anyone you cajole into your business will become a source of aggravation to you in time. Do not feel you have to beg and plead people into your business. Understand that you are giving them an opportunity and only the most likely to be successful, will see it. That is alright; You do not want everyone anyway. Make the invitation to the people who seem to have the attitude and character that you know the business needs and let them sell themselves on joining you. Do not try to deceive them into joining your team, in fact, try to put them off it by explaining exactly what is demanded of them. And let the right people rise to the challenge.
If you want more tips to sponsor more people into your team, then download the free blueprint here - Build My Team
Rosemary Nonny Knight was once a pharmacist and then decided to create a profitable business doing what she loves which enabled her to leave work. She also teaches other professionals and business owners to make the same shift.

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What Do People Hate About Network Marketing?

What Is Network Marketing?
Wikipedia has defined Multi-level marketing (MLM) as a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "down-line", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.
Network marketing to me is an opportunity to any and all open-minded individuals who want to have the ability to develop self and residual income, leveraged income, and pay for performance, while ending up with FREEDOM. The most interesting dynamic about network marketing is that not a single person could find any of the aforementioned results unattractive. Those results in their lives may not be unattractive however the messengers of network marketing can and do often turn many off.
The Biggest Mistake When Prospecting
As a network marketer when you have complete confidence and buy-in into your primary business which you should because you got involved. Typically you are excited and you want to tell everyone. However, that excitement is fine but talking too much is not. Far too often people are turned away and disgusted because they may take what is excitement on your part due to you over communicating information and feel that you are only about YOU and your agenda (on some occasions they may be right). They may feel that you are on a mission to only sign them up with something and pressure them into buying with what they may refer to by using double talk.
This approach tends to be the most fatal of approaches when it comes to prospecting in network marketing. It is extremely difficult to convey the message of "I'm only doing this to save you from your predicament" aka the savior message when you are being compensated. I do not want you to feel that you should not think of your network marketing company as the best and greatest. Not at all, you should feel that way and want to convey that to others when recruiting. However, there is a point that you may cross when you are not really caring and that you are only in it to get paid. Trust me people know the difference. There is a way of prospecting and recruiting that you will not turn away your family and your friends and you wind up actually helping them and not harming your relationships which is truly what you really want.
Avoid This in Your Network Marketing Recruiting!
There are too many similarities between why some people do not like network marketers and very religious people. Being a pastor I understand this dislike. This is why the Bible says, "Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth" (Col 3:2). Contrary to popular opinion, being heavenly minded always inspires us to be more earthly good. Thus, our goal as Christians must be to set our minds on things above and faithfully serve the Lord. Even God knew that we could present things in such a way that would send people running away from instead of toward Him.
There are many individuals when they get in network marketing may not realize that they are being overbearing, pushy, and selfish. Because of these traits, people tend to not want to deal with individuals who possess them. Would you blame them? There are some individuals who when speaking about God they are more about religion than the spiritual side and this comes across in their presentation. Just like believers, network marketers may have the best message in the world but if their heart isn't right the road block goes up immediately. People will run away because they sense the lack of humility and honest care from you.
As a believer my model is Jesus Christ and what he did was give the gospel away freely. He didn't infringe on people's right to not want it. We as powerful, influential, good network marketers should realize that we too should do the same in our businesses. We should give away our information freely without trespassing on other's rights. We should NEVER cross the line in any way. This simply means if someone says they are not interested we are not to spend another hour telling them that they should be because it is a great thing for them. If someone does not answer the phone or are not available even when they say that they are going to be available do not leave messages or make references to them about being awful people because of it.
We as professional network marketers MUST learn how to run our businesses properly. One of the ways in doing that is genuinely caring about people. Again, people know when you really care, they can sense it. You must not be more interested in sharing your opportunity than the people you are sharing it with.
Get Your Priorities in Order
Last, I had a person who I was prospecting tell me that they were ready to get started after they heard the presentation. They received a phone call regarding a tragic occurrence in their family. When they informed me of this I did not continue to pitch them and say "hey we need to finish this transaction before you run off to the hospital". I decided as a Pastor not only was it my job to go with them, it was my moral obligation to see if their entire family was o.k. Remember this business is about people helping people. I have been in network marketing for over 20 years and I LOVE network marketing and network marketers and the passion we ALL possess for our companies but we MUST treat our businesses like businesses at the very least be professional. I hope that this does not offend you and that you are able to see that I only want the best for you and that I want to help. Have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today!
You can have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS in your business today!
Grab hold of your FREE copy of "8 Powerful Steps to Successful Prospecting" and begin to learn how to get those individuals in your business and growing and SUBSCRIBE to Receive updates and FREE information to your email box on a weekly basis to help you further develop your business.

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What Do People Hate About Network Marketing?

What Is Network Marketing?
Wikipedia has defined Multi-level marketing (MLM) as a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of the other salespeople that they recruit. This recruited sales force is referred to as the participant's "down-line", and can provide multiple levels of compensation.
Network marketing to me is an opportunity to any and all open-minded individuals who want to have the ability to develop self and residual income, leveraged income, and pay for performance, while ending up with FREEDOM. The most interesting dynamic about network marketing is that not a single person could find any of the aforementioned results unattractive. Those results in their lives may not be unattractive however the messengers of network marketing can and do often turn many off.
The Biggest Mistake When Prospecting
As a network marketer when you have complete confidence and buy-in into your primary business which you should because you got involved. Typically you are excited and you want to tell everyone. However, that excitement is fine but talking too much is not. Far too often people are turned away and disgusted because they may take what is excitement on your part due to you over communicating information and feel that you are only about YOU and your agenda (on some occasions they may be right). They may feel that you are on a mission to only sign them up with something and pressure them into buying with what they may refer to by using double talk.
This approach tends to be the most fatal of approaches when it comes to prospecting in network marketing. It is extremely difficult to convey the message of "I'm only doing this to save you from your predicament" aka the savior message when you are being compensated. I do not want you to feel that you should not think of your network marketing company as the best and greatest. Not at all, you should feel that way and want to convey that to others when recruiting. However, there is a point that you may cross when you are not really caring and that you are only in it to get paid. Trust me people know the difference. There is a way of prospecting and recruiting that you will not turn away your family and your friends and you wind up actually helping them and not harming your relationships which is truly what you really want.
Avoid This in Your Network Marketing Recruiting!
There are too many similarities between why some people do not like network marketers and very religious people. Being a pastor I understand this dislike. This is why the Bible says, "Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth" (Col 3:2). Contrary to popular opinion, being heavenly minded always inspires us to be more earthly good. Thus, our goal as Christians must be to set our minds on things above and faithfully serve the Lord. Even God knew that we could present things in such a way that would send people running away from instead of toward Him.
There are many individuals when they get in network marketing may not realize that they are being overbearing, pushy, and selfish. Because of these traits, people tend to not want to deal with individuals who possess them. Would you blame them? There are some individuals who when speaking about God they are more about religion than the spiritual side and this comes across in their presentation. Just like believers, network marketers may have the best message in the world but if their heart isn't right the road block goes up immediately. People will run away because they sense the lack of humility and honest care from you.
As a believer my model is Jesus Christ and what he did was give the gospel away freely. He didn't infringe on people's right to not want it. We as powerful, influential, good network marketers should realize that we too should do the same in our businesses. We should give away our information freely without trespassing on other's rights. We should NEVER cross the line in any way. This simply means if someone says they are not interested we are not to spend another hour telling them that they should be because it is a great thing for them. If someone does not answer the phone or are not available even when they say that they are going to be available do not leave messages or make references to them about being awful people because of it.
We as professional network marketers MUST learn how to run our businesses properly. One of the ways in doing that is genuinely caring about people. Again, people know when you really care, they can sense it. You must not be more interested in sharing your opportunity than the people you are sharing it with.
Get Your Priorities in Order
Last, I had a person who I was prospecting tell me that they were ready to get started after they heard the presentation. They received a phone call regarding a tragic occurrence in their family. When they informed me of this I did not continue to pitch them and say "hey we need to finish this transaction before you run off to the hospital". I decided as a Pastor not only was it my job to go with them, it was my moral obligation to see if their entire family was o.k. Remember this business is about people helping people. I have been in network marketing for over 20 years and I LOVE network marketing and network marketers and the passion we ALL possess for our companies but we MUST treat our businesses like businesses at the very least be professional. I hope that this does not offend you and that you are able to see that I only want the best for you and that I want to help. Have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today!
You can have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS in your business today!
Grab hold of your FREE copy of "8 Powerful Steps to Successful Prospecting" and begin to learn how to get those individuals in your business and growing and SUBSCRIBE to Receive updates and FREE information to your email box on a weekly basis to help you further develop your business.

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The Best Way For Zero Stress Network Marketing

Believe it or not some people think network marketing can be stressful but I beg to differ why would it be stressful or painful at all? One of the great things about network marketing is that you can pick and choose who YOU want to work with. So you are not stuck working with people you don't like. If someone is rude or you just don't like their attitude you don't have to sign them up in your business. You can just disqualify them and just move on which would be the best thing to do.
When you got started in your business what was your number one reason for joining? What exactly was going through your head at that time? I'm sure like most people you was thinking about the money but here's a news flash if all your thinking about is the money you might have a tough time building your business. Here's why. When you are out here talking to prospecting and talking to people and money is your number one objective people can see right through and see your intentions. That's why it's important to not look at people like a dollar sign. You should be thinking how your business could help them with a problem they are having. Put the focus on them.
Don't get caught all caught up in your company pay plan although you do need to know how and where you will make money with it. The main reason I joined my network marketing company is because of the lifestyle it can bring me... Freedom. Free to spend my time how and with whoever I want. This is the vision I want to share with other people. You could do the same show them the lifestyle they could achieve and let them feed off your energy with their own personal goals and dreams.What do they dream of achieving? What are their hopes and desires?
What are their challenges? When you turn off your own needs and focus on their needs, something magical happens. You get more leads. You get more sales. Your business grows fast.
Most network marketing systems are tools to help you achieve your dreams but don't become to focused on just promoting your network marketing company instead focus on promoting yourself. Become a person of value by learning some skills and furthering your knowledge.The excitement you generate becomes contagious and it spreads to your team. They start to make more sales and their teams grow. So you see network marketing when do right has zero stress, how could it ever be stressful helping someone achieve their hopes and dreams in life.
Make it a mission to help as many people as possible and not make it about how much money you can make. When you are ready to explode your network marketing business fast, help more people and in turn you will get everything you could possibly want.

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Network marketing success comes easy for some folks and others struggle with it. Listed below are two tips to help you manage your marketing success. If you are a type of person that struggles under pressure, the first tip is definitely for you. Perhaps you are the type that worries about making ends meet and just cannot let go of a second job just yet. Either way read on and learn how these tips will affect your life and success. It is not easy to give up a stable source of income, especially from the traditional world. However, you can go as far as you allow yourself in your business.
Network Marketing Success and Staying cool under pressure
Network marketing success requires a calm and collected focus or things can get hectic. Spazzing out or losing focus will cost you time and possibility income. Many people have trouble staying focus and meeting their business goals. They worry about so many different issues, instead of the primary task. The primary task is to generate and close leads and often distractions such as bills or high-pressure prospects causes one to sway from their focus. Stay cool by reworking your mind not to worry about the nuisances of life. Not saying to ignore bills or emergencies, but to prioritize them on a different level than your business. By prioritizing tasks and events, you can then focus on the most important or high value tasks first.
Network Marketing Success for those financially worried
Network marketing is an ambition driven business and not for those who are too scared to make a commitment. Network marketing success comes to those who work hard at the task and reap their harvest. It is good to feel financially secure, but it does not mean that the traditional job may exist any longer than required. The business could go bankrupt or bought out. One of the biggest ways to reduce worry is to put money away, buildup a nest egg from profits and from the last job. The nest can help provide relief in times of extreme emergencies. Take a percentage out of your monthly checks and put it away.
Final thoughts on Network Marketing Success
These tips can help provide relief, but are not complete solutions. In some cases, you may want to talk to your sponsor for additional help about problems in your business. Remember to keep positive thoughts and success is on its way to you!
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly,

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"We are ever stronger than anything that wants to pull us back from moving forward" by Terry Marks. This particular quote is ever true, especially if one wants to achieve network-marketing success. Business operations are not easy, and yet there are millions working hard every day to be successful. Still, as the dust settles at the end of the day, you can gain strength from the day's experience. This strength either from successful or setback is still practical experience. Before this turns into an eBook, the strength that this should focus on is mental. Mental strength is crucial to pushing through obstacles that happen along the way. Are you ready to learn more?
First Contact with Network Marketing Success
Many times the very first contact with network marketing success involves a prospect signing up for a newsletter or submitting a question. While it does seem significant, this first contact can set the stage for success in the business. Other lines of success may include selling a product or getting your first member in your downline. Enjoy the small things they usually have less pressure. The secret to gaining mental strength is to bask silently in the small steps. When a major problem happens, you can deal with easier. Take the time to allow your mind to soak in the events of your first success, small and large. Small failures are easy to deal with, especially when you are strong enough to say, "OK, I can do this." Then you can move on and have that strength to help later on.
Motivational Factors behind Network Marketing Success
What are the motivational factors behind success? One of the factors include determination. The sheer willpower to push against the odds to achieve network-marketing success. The next trait needed is education or skills. Actually, both are needed to help you run the business, but a poor education can lead to many mistakes. Your education level of the business will help you determine how to market your business and speak with prospects. This will also help you troubleshoot problems in your business. There are other factors as well, but these are the top ones to help you get started in your new business. Talent and education are not the only considerations to maintain in the business, but also determination to achieve results. This only can help you acquire the right skills and framework to acquire the mental strength to persevere in times of hardship and prosperity.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly,

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How to Handle MLM Business Critics

Let us face it; MLM business owners have a tough crowd. Even in today's modern time, business owners are facing harsh reviews and critics that are overly opinionated. A bad review can be dealt with, but a heckler that haunts a business is bad news. While it is a pain to deal with, you can still run a business even with a heckler in your way. In fact, they could actually make you profit. You are probably wondering how a heckler can make you money. It will be explained in a little bit, just keep reading.
MLM Business and its Critics
Before we dig into answering on how a heckler can make you money, it is time to look at the MLM business and its critics. There are do's and do not's when handling negative publicity from a heckler or even a single review. Do not fret about the negative comments, but do try to find strength from them. They see things that may not be apparent to you or they think they do. Some reviews make absolute little sense and it may be wise to erase them. If you do get a review that is thoughtful but it is still negative, you should answer it and be kind.
MLM business owners across the world may think they are the only ones in the world to get a bad review. Yet, they have never been on Broadway. Critics are people like us; they may have had a bad experience with such a business. They may have formed their opinions in other ways or from others. Their opinions that are important, but the important ones are from those who actually practical experience. You can read and tell from the reviews on which author has experience and which one does not. Give the highest priority to those with experience in the business itself. A well-researched opinion does not count for real world experience and should have the next level of priority.
Handling the MLM Business Critics the Right Way
Now we can talk about that annoying little heckler that has been haunting your MLM business. Their comments should not be ignored but addressed calmly and directly. You should not be rude or crude in any fashion possible. You may not be able to turn them into an ally, but you could use their comments to your advantage. You could develop a blog post answering their concerns and actually thank them for their input.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your internet network marketing business correctly,

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Are You Chasing Fast Money In Your Marketing Business?

Every experienced online marketer knows that chasing fast money can only bring you frustration and poor results. The idea that you can generate income by not providing enough value, is not a realistic view of online marketing.
Chasing fast money doesn't' work in this industry, and here's why:
When you start a marketing business, you must start slow with lots of caution, because you are in the business of attracting prospects, and you don't want to do anything that breaks that process.
Forget about the sales pitching, you are not chasing fast money, you are creating relationships.
In the online marketing industry, you must create relationships that by getting to know you, they will buy from you.
What are you going to do to create relationships, and let them know you better?
If you are in need of quick money, this is not the business you want to be in. Creating relationships takes time, and if you think you can make money during this time, think twice because there's a big chance you will destroy what you've built yourself.
Online marketing is not for those who are chasing money, is for those who are willing to wait for your prospects get to know you, and later promote your products.
How do your prospects get to know you?
Offer something valuable absolutely free.
You can teach them how to do certain thinks that are going to help them in their business. You can provide free information, a free eBook or a free access to a training in Google Hangouts.
Thousands of marketers are doing this. Let your creativity come up with something valuable you can provide to them for free, and you will have unconditional followers.
Because you did something nobody else did, but most importantly, you did it for free!
What would happen if you mention an offer during your workshop or online training?
Experts say there's nothing wrong with that, and I agree 100%, but not during the critical time while they are getting to know you. When they realize you offer value and they can trust you, they will have the urgency to buy from you.
If you stop chasing money, and work on becoming more valuable, the money won't stop chasing you.
Successful marketers always provide something valuable for free, that opens the doors to make their products they sell available to you.
If you get to know them, and see the value they provide, you will buy their products since you know they will be worth the investment.

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Building the MLM Business of Your Dreams

You can build your dream business from the ground up. Your particular MLM business may offer unique benefits and features that no other can match. Working at home or in the workforce should not feel like a drain or burden. Many times people stick with their jobs just to pay for their current lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice to move elsewhere in your life? Now is the chance to make the biggest change in your life. So how do you go about building your dream business, especially in the MLM industry? Read on about business plans and planning your marketing aspects.
Layout Your MLM Business Plan
Your MLM business may require a physical presence, especially if you plan to host events. So, consider an online and physical presence in your business plan. Some people are only virtual and host everything online. While this is good for personal security reasons, it could put a hamper on social standings as well. Your business needs a face for it and you are it. Plan carefully on how you want to present your business. Things to consider is the marketing, financial planning, location, management of the business and any other issue that may rise. Your business plan can be changed at any time. It is important to review it carefully before executing it.
Now considering all of the operational aspects for your MLM business. Marketing is another but separate part of the equation. The business plan lays out the foundations for governance of the business; the marketing enables the business to make profits. There are many different types of marketing. You could end up using several types to make your business successful. You have to watch your marketing plan carefully, considering that it may require significant changes to style and methods to achieve optimal results. If it does not work in a week, it does not mean that you need to change it right then. Set up a deadline for the plan, if it fails to meet the deadline, then you should look at it.
MLM Business and Your Future
As you build up your MLM business, you cannot forget your future. You may want to make changes to your business that will improve productivity and efficiency. Depending on how you see your future, you may want to consider some financial management options. This involves putting some money away into your chosen account. You can research for wealth management options to figure out the best plan of action for you and your family.
About The Author
David L. Feinstein, noted business coach and home business entrepreneur, is the author of various articles and books that help to empower individuals. To get the real innovative marketing knowledge and training, so you can be at the cutting edge of using technology to build your

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Tips for Success in Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-level marketing (MLM) also referred to as network marketing, is a strategy of marketing using direct sales where compensation to the sales force is done not only on the basis of the sales generated by them, but also for the sales generated by other salespeople that are recruited by them. The recruits are called the distributor's downline. Here are a few tips on how you can succeed in the industry if you operate in this business.
Coach and Mentorship
In order to be successful in an MLM business, you should be willing to learn from and listen to the advice of your coaches or mentors as veterans in the business are aware of the many methods that can be adopted for success and you can duplicate those methods once you learn from them.
Sponsor your Downline and Take the Lead
If the people you have recruited stay for a while in the business, it will not only improve your recruitment numbers but will also enhance your profitability. You should train your recruits about the products and business practices being adopted and should set aside some time and spend a minimum of at least a month with them.
Explore Different Promotional Tools
In order to achieve success in network marketing, you should learn about the different methods of promotion using various communication strategies along with direct selling such as social media and digital marketing, online marketing, and other communication tools to brush up on your skills and generate more leads.
Find the Right Company and Market Your Product
For network marketing success, you should choose to work with a respectable company and give back to your business by promoting the product almost on a daily basis. It can be anything; you can start a website, share product samples, start blogging and sharing videos, or even use the social media to create awareness about your product.
Work Hard
You won't be able to succeed if you treat your MLM business as a hobby. The harder you work, the more opportunities you'll have for income generation. You need to work on prospecting and presenting and should focus on following up and registering new people. Some time should always be allotted for training and support but your main focus should be on prospecting as this can be the key to your success.
Be Persistent and Make New Friends
Building an MLM business can take up a lot of time which is spent in contacting a large number of people, delivering presentations and you may also come across a great deal of rejection. But only those who are persistent in duplicating a system will succeed.
Success in network marketing will come by when you lend a helping hand to others so that they too can reach the heights of success. So build a network of friends, and together, you can start climbing the ladder to success. The key to success in an MLM business is to be creative with lead generation and follow up.
Author: Diane Hughes

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3 Things I Should Have Done Sooner Inside Of My Home Business

Online Sales Funnel Basics You Need To Know To Make More Sales

If you've been marketing online even for a little while, then you've probably heard the term "the money is in the list". And you know what?... That statement is 100% true.
At the end of the day, if you learn how to drive traffic and get leads... then you can build your own email list.
But how do you pull sales and commission from your list?
There's a multitude of ways you can profit... even from a small list. But today I'm going to cover every top marketer's unfair advantage - having a good funnel.
Now chances are you're a newbie marketer if you're reading this so I'll keep things as basic as possible. My goal is to give you the general concept and outline the four critical parts to a solid sales funnel.
Part #1. The Lead Magnet.
In order to increase your optin rate, you're going to want to have a Lead Magnet. A Lead Magnet is essentially a bribe. In other words, you're giving away something for free to your website visitors in exchange for their email. A good Lead Magnet can be a free video, a free MP3, a free report, a PDF download, a free webinar, a free coaching session, etc. Basically, it could be anything that your target audience would be interested in.
For example, if your target market is Network Marketers, you could give away a free video (or video series) that teaches how to sponsor more people.
If your target audience is athletes, you could give away a free report on how to become stronger and faster including what workouts to do and how to eat.
If your target market is people looking to lose weight, then maybe you could give away a free consultation or coaching session where you talk about what you did to lose weight and what they should change in their lifestyle to get healthier.
I think you get the drift. They key is your Lead Magnet has to be relevant to your target audience so that you have subscribers that are actually interested in what it is your offering.
Keep in mind that you may have to test two or three different Lead Magnets to see which converts the best. Sometimes your second or third Lead Magnet will work better than your first one.
Part #2. The SLO, or Self Liquidating Offer.
The SLO is a critical component of your funnel. The SLO is a product or service you offer to your list that is relatively inexpensive. It could be a report, or a download, or a webinar. Or it could even be an affiliate product or digital product that you're promoting. The key is that the price point has to be small.
Maybe your SLO is a $7 Report. Maybe it's a paid webinar you do for your list for $17 or $27. Or maybe it's an eBook that you're selling that costs $47. The idea is that it is very affordable and filled with value.
Now it's important that you understand the true purpose of the SLO. The purpose is not to make a profit. The purpose is to simply identify who are the buyers on your list. If you're advanced, you might want to segment the buyers on your list, so you could market to them accordingly.
As an entrepreneur, you need to keep the bigger picture in mind. It's OK to not turn a profit from your SLO because you'll make money later when you start promoting your Core Product.
#3. Your Core Product.
Your Core Product is the main thing you're selling. It could be a product you created. It could be a product you're an affiliate for. It could be a monthly subscription to a service. Or it may even be your Network Marketing Opportunity.
Selling your Core Product is where you'll start to turn a profit and really start to build your business and income. My suggestion is that you start to do your own webinars to sell your core product. Webinars have long been the staple for top marketers to sell online. You could engage your prospects and even do a Q&A session if need be.
It's important to know that your Core Product will require several exposures until people start buying or joining. It takes about 7-12 exposures to your offer until people take action so just be consistent and keep providing value.
#4. The Profit Maximizer (or Profit Multiplier)
This is where the top marketers start to separate themselves from the small time players. A Profit Maximizer is essentially a High Ticket program or product you offer your list. Typically, it something that can generate $1000, $3000, or $5,000 commissions. I've even seen some High Ticket programs that pay out all the way up to $50,000 commissions.
Now why is a Profit Maximizer critical to your business? Because it give you a much bigger budget to do paid traffic. Make no mistake about it, if you want to get big you'll have to do paid traffic at some point. If you're able to make $1000 or $3000 for making a High Ticket sale, you could turn around and put that money into traffic. This is how the big online marketers scale their business.
Keep in mind, that you will not make a ton of sale with your Profit Maximizer. But you don't need to. With one High Ticket sale, you can make more than you'd make making 10 or 20 sales with your Core Product.
Here's what you need to wrap your head around. It's not that hard to sell High Ticket products online. Sure it's going to require more effort than making a smaller sale... but it won't be relatively harder.
For example, let's say you're selling a product that pays you a $100 commission. And then let's say you have a High Ticket offer pays you a $1000 commission. Now you might work 2 or 3 times harder to close that High Ticket sale, but you won't work 10 times harder... but yet you'll make 10 times more money.
Another tip that will help you get more High Ticket sales is getting on the phone with people. For example, you could let people schedule a phone meeting or Skype chat with you in your emails. Then once you're on the phone, you could answer questions they may have or give your pitch on why they should buy your product. I've found that people won't spend bigger dollars unless they could get on the phone with you.
So there you have it... The four parts to a professional online sales funnel.
Lead Magnet.
Core Product
Profit Maximizer
Make sure you have all the parts in place so you're funnel could go to work for you.
Of course, if you have no traffic or you're not getting leads, you'll still struggle even with a good funnel so make sure you invest your time accordingly when it comes to marketing and driving traffic.

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Destroying Your Downline

Building your network marketing business.
There have been many articles, books, and trainings about doing just that. Unfortunately, though, many businesses are suffering because they are just not making much money at all. In fact, many barely make 3 digit checks. Let alone the higher-ups in the industry making very large 6-figure checks.
You work so hard at your business, yet your business is still lagging seriously behind. And maybe some months you're even paying out more than you are getting back. You follow your sponsors and company's suggestions and still hardly got anything to happen.
There are 3 serious problems which really help to destroy your downline growth, which results in your own personal income being drastically lowered.
1 - Samples and Incentives
I'm a big fan of incentives, and samples are great ways to expose people to specific products from your company. Both are incredible ways to introduce your prospective customer or associate to your company and it's related products and services. However, prospects really need a bit more to convince them to join you, if they are fist convinced to start their own business in the first place! Besides, who gets credit for the samples and incentives? The companies and your upline! After all, you did have to pay for them out of your own pocket.
2 - Sponsors
This is a very sticky point for some. I could go on and on about the sponsors who don't respond to the calls from their downline. I could reiterate how some sponsors get people in then leave them alone to fend for themselves. But this time, it's not the sponsor's direct fault so much. Most downline members are not superstar leaders and self-starters. They really need and require leadership and guidance. Look at your downlines some time and see who isn't doing so much. I bet that person needs some help from you!
3 - Compensation Plans
Well, the compensation plan of many companies are quite lucrative. Other plans are so confusing that even the people who created them barely understand them. There are so many compensation plans all over the place, why would anyone want to join your company? Just because it's a different plan from the others? I'm afraid that compensation plans aren't exactly the most productive advertisers for network marketing companies.
So, although your company and it's products and services might be exemplary, if you don't have a knowledgeable downline, you won't have a 6-figure check. Downline members are frustrated because they don't know what to do or how to do it. They probably also don't have the right things to do it with. Even though they might still stick with you, within themselves they are really becoming creatures with less and less hope of success.
So build them up for success and watch your profits skyrocket!

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How Many Exposures Will Your Prospect Need Before They Make A Decision?

Very few people will make a decision to join a Network Marketing company with one exposure. It rarely happens.
So What's Are Exposures?
An Exposure in Network Marketing is the process of presenting your business opportunity to your prospect and the tools you use to present the business to them.
Tools: Exposure Tools are what you put in front of your prospect either to watch, listen to, read or participate in that will help your prospect make a decision whether to join you in business or not.
Our job as consultants (distributors/reps) is to have a variety of tools, created or presented by someone else, to use to expose our prospect to our business opportunity.
Exposure tools are Business Videos, CDs, DVDs, Audio Tapes, Live Call Numbers, Replay Call Numbers, Live Events, 3-Way Conference Calls and Documents. Identify what Exposure tools you'll use and have them readily available to access as you move your prospect through this process.
Process: Our goal is to move the prospect through the Exposure period as quickly as possible. You do not want your prospect flapping in the breeze waiting weeks or more to follow up. It will be torture for both you and your prospect. Why? You will find that the longer you wait with a follow-up, the more likely you will have to start from the beginning with them. UGH!!!!
So the Exposure period starts from the moment you share your business opportunity with someone to closure. Closure can be "Yes, I can do this, sign me up" or a no. If the no is a "not at this time", ask if you can revisit with them in 6 months. Then mark your calendar 6 months in the future to call that person and start the exposure process again.
And by all means, if your prospect wants to try the products first before they make a decision, LET THEM and follow-up as you would any customer.
When your prospect wants to find out more about the business opportunity, decide what tool you will expose them to next. If you are present when you share a tool, follow up immediately afterwards.
Never, ever ask "What do you think?" This question allows the prospect to have an opinion and could criticize the tool you use. So instead, ask "What did you like best?" This line of question leads the prospect to identify something positive about what he/she just experienced.
Most likely you will be sending your prospect an Exposure tool via email. Ask when can they look at the tool and to set up an immediate phone call to ask "What did you like best about ______?"
So something like this: "Sally, I will send you the link to a short video about the business via your email. When will you be able to watch it?"
Sally says she can watch it tomorrow morning. You say "Great, can I call you at 10am to get your feedback?"
If Sally agrees on the time, mark your calendar and be sure you call at the time you said. If Sally says 10 am doesn't work for her, you suggest another time that day that is agreeable to both of you. And you follow up at that exact time.
If your prospect is not ready to decide either with a Yes or a No ask, "What other information do you need to help you make a decision?" Then get that information to the prospect and repeat the process with a follow up conversation.
You are in charge of managing the process: Exposure => Follow Up => Exposure => Follow Up =>Exposure => Follow Up => Exposure => Follow Up... until a decision is made!!!

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Do These For Faster Network Marketing Success

What if I showed you a way to create network marketing success faster?
While network marketing business is not a get-rich-quick scheme, there are sure steps you can take to achieve your network marketing success faster.
This does not by any means suggest that you do not put in the work, rather it is both working hard and working smart. There are a lot of network marketers that are working hard and are not getting any success in their business
Have you heard of the phrase: Success leaves clues?. This is applicable to network marketing as well. Every project or activity has its learning curve and you can shorten your learning curve in you journey to network marketing success.
Why try to figure it all by yourself when you can learn from others that have gone through the same path that you have.
These steps that I share will help accelerate your network marketing success.
1. Find that person: Find the person that has the kind of success you desire. It may be your upline or crossline.
If they do not have the kind of success you want, look for a top earner in your company or in another company. The key is to find that person that has achieved what you desire in this business.
2. Find out what they did: It is imperative to get to know what steps this person took to achieve their success. If this person is not in your company, you may need to pay for that information.
This may be in the form of courses, coaching, masterminds etc. There is a learning curve in any business and especially for network marketing business but you can cut this by getting coaching. Don't always look for FREE because free may be your most expensive option.
3. Take Action: This is what ensures you get results. You must take action, you must implement what you have learned from this person. It is not enough to know what they did, you will have to implement and take action.
Buying courses and coaching is a good investment in your education, however, if the knowledge is not acted upon, it will not profit you.
The internet has so much simplified the search for you, just type any keyword related to MLM that you desire in Google or any other search engine, and it will give you numerous search results to finding the person/coach that you want.
So begin to follow these steps to faster success in your MLM business.
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Yemisi Femi-Pius Helps network marketers to create success in their network marketing business. Check out
To your success!

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You Will Create MLM Success If You Master These Skills

What is the Difference...
Two network marketing distributors in the same company and same complan, with the same upline, with the same level of commitment, putting in the same number of hours.
They follow the same system, talk to the same number of prospects and they have the same level of belief. Yet one distributor is cashing huge checks and having success while the other distributor has no MLM success. rich and poor
The difference is SKILLS, one distributor knows what to say and what to do. The other distributor lacks the skills.
MLM is a skill-based business.
Eric Woore is a top leader in the Network Marketing Industry. He is the author of the best selling book Go Pro. He talks about three types of persons in the MLM industry. The posers, the amateurs and the Network Marketing Professionals.
He recommends these 7 skills for every distributor to master and become a network marketing professional.
1. Finding Prospects - You need to know where to find prospects to talk to. As a professional, you should continually grow your list.
2. Invite - You must master the your invitation skills. You must know what to say and how to say it to pique the interest of prospects to check out your presentation.
3. Presentation - Get good at presentation. You should be directing your prospect to a 3rd party tool. Even if you are the one making the presentation, you should still use tools for your presentation.
4. Follow-up - The fortune is in the follow-up. Master this skill as a lot of your prospects will sign up after about four-seven exposures. Learn how to BAMFAM, Book A Meeting From A Meeting, every time you follow-up with your prospects.
5. Closing - It is said that you should not present to a prospect unless you know how to close them or at least have a system of closing them.
Asking the right questions will lead to your prospects giving the right answers that will lead them to join your business. This is a skill that you must master if you want more sign ups.
6. Getting the new reps started right - This is very critical to set expectations right, help with focus, building of list and prospecting and closing their first couple of prospects.
The energy and enthusiasm of new sign ups is high and you will need to harness this immediately they sign up.
7. Promoting Events - You need to get good at promoting events. You must master this skill so many more of your team members attend local, regional, national and international events.
A lot of MLM success stories are born after attending events.
Practice these skills to gain mastery over them and begin to create MLM success.
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The Nine Keys of Network Marketing

Most network marketing venturing people fail at their MLM business. However, there is a small fraction of people, about 1/43 who actually do succeed. How do they do that? They knew and faithfully follow these 9 rules:
1. Be sure to congratulate and reward your downline. When they reach a certain milestone, or achieve a certain level in the company, make a big presentation ceremony and a bit to do about it. Even if it's just via an online party. Certificates, rewards, public recognition. They're all great ideas!
2. Be a strong leader to your downline, and in the entire industry.
3. Treat your business as a business, not as a hobby. And do it so that it can be duplicated. Devote time and energy into your business and downline, and your downline will respond by copying what you do!
4. Keep learning. Education never ends for anyone. Read, attend seminars and conferences. Research new technologies in your field. And practice your sales and marketing skills to keep yourself fresh.
5. People are usually attracted to their own kind. People prefer working with people who are very much like themselves. Similar values and abilities. Some might prefer the challenge of working with exact opposites, but most people are much more comfortable working with people like themselves.
6. Think of the tortoise and the hare. Your business will probably start off slowly, and then it will start growing by leaps and bounds, but in the future. Stay persistent and work very hard at the beginning. The snowball you create will not be much at the top of the hill, but once it gets to the bottom, look out!
7. Always help your downline. They want to succeed just as you do, and you are the best person (as well as the person with the most interest) to help them to build a successful MLM business for themselves. Always be willing to teach, coach, and mentor your downline. Once it gets too large for you to handle, then you will have to draw lines or do group sessions or teleseminars.
8. Always adjust your business strategies for the best results possible. Measure your progress, and fix whatever doesn't work, or doesn't work well enough.
9. Tell everyone about your company, product, or service. Let people all the time know what you do for your new business and definitely ask for referrals! Even if some refuse you, you will soon come up with many who actually accept and join!

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What Is the Value of Your Upline?

So much of what you learn about in your MLM business, and related articles and blogs about businesses is that to have maximum success, you have to have a great downline. And those articles and blogs go on and tell you, quite correctly, how to have the best possible downline. However, there are only a handful of people who know the other half of the success coin. What about your upline?
Unfortunately for most network marketing people, their upline are almost totally unknown to them. They for some reason keep their distance, especially once they made their money from your initial joining. The greedy money bug bites a whole lot of upline members.
Because of that neglect, so many downline members see no reason to even attempt to contact their uplines, let alone actually interact with them! And this, then, would affect their own downline and downlining ability.
Without appropriate leadership training, most MLM people just build their downline and receive their financial rewards without anything else happening. Without leadership and MLM training or self-instruction beforehand, they could be doing damage to their upcoming downline members. Naturally, because they are getting bad or no information and assistance and training from a bad upline, they will most likely not stay with you very long.
SO, how do you avoid this situation? Simple! Get to know your upline members!
Ideally, the best MLM programs are created so that feedback from downline members is highly important and desired. If you are trained well, and interact well with and learns from your upline, your downline would respond and benefit from your relationship with them as well. For that matter, your upline would also benefit!
So, if you have questions or comments about your new business venture, by all means, contact your upline! And it doesn't have to be just the person who got you into the company, either. As you become more familiar with the people in the organization, you will gain access to people higher up in your upline. Contact them when necessary. They would most likely be very happy and willing to share with you advice and training which you would not have gotten from any other source.
If your upline is unresponsive, or has just too little experience in the MLM industry, or in your company, you will have to do some more work on your own. Self-education and research, as well as the exciting forms of personal development, are some of the best things you can do to help your new company grow. Post your situation on business forums and see what advice you get from leaders from all around the world. Different company/country or not, it doesn't often matter.
So, don't miss working with and learning from your upline just because you don't even make an attempt to with them. Their expertise and experience will guide you clear through to success!

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What Is the Value of Your Upline?

So much of what you learn about in your MLM business, and related articles and blogs about businesses is that to have maximum success, you have to have a great downline. And those articles and blogs go on and tell you, quite correctly, how to have the best possible downline. However, there are only a handful of people who know the other half of the success coin. What about your upline?
Unfortunately for most network marketing people, their upline are almost totally unknown to them. They for some reason keep their distance, especially once they made their money from your initial joining. The greedy money bug bites a whole lot of upline members.
Because of that neglect, so many downline members see no reason to even attempt to contact their uplines, let alone actually interact with them! And this, then, would affect their own downline and downlining ability.
Without appropriate leadership training, most MLM people just build their downline and receive their financial rewards without anything else happening. Without leadership and MLM training or self-instruction beforehand, they could be doing damage to their upcoming downline members. Naturally, because they are getting bad or no information and assistance and training from a bad upline, they will most likely not stay with you very long.
SO, how do you avoid this situation? Simple! Get to know your upline members!
Ideally, the best MLM programs are created so that feedback from downline members is highly important and desired. If you are trained well, and interact well with and learns from your upline, your downline would respond and benefit from your relationship with them as well. For that matter, your upline would also benefit!
So, if you have questions or comments about your new business venture, by all means, contact your upline! And it doesn't have to be just the person who got you into the company, either. As you become more familiar with the people in the organization, you will gain access to people higher up in your upline. Contact them when necessary. They would most likely be very happy and willing to share with you advice and training which you would not have gotten from any other source.
If your upline is unresponsive, or has just too little experience in the MLM industry, or in your company, you will have to do some more work on your own. Self-education and research, as well as the exciting forms of personal development, are some of the best things you can do to help your new company grow. Post your situation on business forums and see what advice you get from leaders from all around the world. Different company/country or not, it doesn't often matter.
So, don't miss working with and learning from your upline just because you don't even make an attempt to with them. Their expertise and experience will guide you clear through to success!

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Why DO So Many MLMs Fail?

Just tell people you have a home-based business, and people will flock to you left and right. How I wish that were true for far more people. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is that far more people experience just the opposites. A VERY difficult time creating a successful company. Why do so many multi level marketing businesses fail?
A-It is not easy to get a following, or a down line.
Some businesses promote the idea of just telling everyone you know via telephone and email about your business, and people would start joining you faster than you can count. And, since the potential financial windfall of such an event would seriously affect you, you automatically assume that those you bring in would do the same, and get the same results. However, that is only the case on rare occasions. To succeed enough, you will need to create leads and follow up on them. You will have to work the phones for hours at a time. Getting that following may be profitable, but it's also quite difficult. It also takes a great deal of time and persistence.
B-Most people leave soon after joining.
Like some brink and mortar companies, multi level marketing businesses have rather high drop out rates. No matter what kind of support or incentives you may offer, they still will want to leave. Unfortunately, some who leave actually are making some money, but they lose their motivation and strong desire to continue on in the business. Some of them join for just a specific benefit or gift.
C-Your downline gets no, or little, support from you!
It's one thing to not get support from your upline. That will make it much more difficult for you to learn how to make money in the business. However, failing to support your own downline is what will prevent you from making serious money in the future! And, you well know, if you don't get support, you will be left to fend for yourself, and you would likely go elsewhere!
D-And your upline can be helpless too!
The other side of the coin is that you and your downline might not be getting the support from your upline members. They probably had a lot of connection with them when they first joined, but as time went on, the connections just shrunk until you almost never, if ever, hear from them again!

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Whether you are looking for an income in this difficult economic environment, or you are ready to move on to bigger and better things, or even if you are just waiting to find a good enough reason to leave your current job, the decision to actually leave, and to take that next step of starting your own business, is really quite difficult.
You must ask yourself some questions before you really do finally decide to make the change from a business worker to a business person.
Q#1-The biggest obstacles new companies must overcome are finances, product, and price. How will you overcome them?
Make sure you have enough money to see you through your first year. Either through your own personal money, business and personal loans from banks and other such lending institutions, and personal loans from friends and family are surely the most commons ways to get money. Of course, you can always play the more desperate route, that of selling things that you own.
Find out through research, marketing, and networking what people want and need. What they are willing to spend money for.
Some suggest to price your item well below the average, some right in the middle of the average price, and some even suggest that you price it above average. All three methods have worked for all sorts of different products and services. People are willing to pay slightly higher prices for better quality, so don't be afraid to increase prices as needed, or to start with a higher price tag to reflect the higher quality level.
Q#2-How dedicated are you to the success of your new business venture?
Some people claim to have stopped at nothing to get their business off the ground. However, that is rather unlikely if you stop to think about it. Everyone draws a line somewhere, and that line is often touted when you are trying to make a few extra dollars for yourself. Dedication is great. It is the heart of your commitment level. Self-discipline and due diligence also play pivotal roles. Evaluate where you stand before you take the first step.
Q#3-Do you have the right qualifications, and can you acquire those you don't have?
Customer service, cold- and warm-calling, leadership experience. They're all vitally important to struggling new businesses. Yet, they are also very possible to learn. It helps having experience in these fields, but it also helps to be trained to further enhance your personal capabilities.
Q#4-Look to the future. At what point in the future would you start receiving a steady stream of income?
Most businesses, no matter how successful, take a while to reach that success plateau. A minimum of nine months, up to a year or more, is quite normal for any new business just to break even. Can you afford to not have very much income right up front? How long would you have to wait until you don't have to worry about your finances any more?
Q#5-How will you market yourself and your new business?
Not only will you have to market your company's product or service, but your network marketing business will force you to market also the business itself. Especially if you want to make consistent, and often increasing, residual income. Websites, internet presences via social networking sites, and advertisements in the local newspapers are just not enough. To really and truly succeed, you must be able to market yourself, your product or service, and your business opportunity!
Q#6-Why do you want to do it in the first place?
Waiting for the best possible moment or opportunity, or trying to get closer to your children are not the best reasons, nor are they the most motivating ones. (Sure, spending time with your kids is important, but in business, it's not about the children.) However, if you have the appropriate motivation, you certainly have strong enough motivation to get you through your business beginnings., and the highs and lows of it.
Q#7-How will you find and create prospects?
For network marketing businesses to do well, they are required to have numerous leads and prospects at all times. And, this is even more important when your business is brand new! There are so many options available to find and acquire these prospects. Use whichever is most favourable for your product or service.
Both you and your family and friends must know, and understand, that your business must be taken seriously, especially at the beginning, for it to really blossom to its fullest capacity. Everyone must be willing to give you the time that you need to get your business into a profit-generating mode.
So, if you really are truly ready and able to make the switch, by all means, do it!

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Network Marketing: Good Sales Vs Bad Sales

Recently separated from my husband, it has come down to two options. Either I go get another job and build someone else's business... or I build my own. I choose option two. And I choose to do it in network marketing.
I have been in and out of various network marketing companies for the last 10 years, and I have done reasonably well when I focused. But now it's time to bring the vision I once had of building a residual income with network marketing business to reality so that I can have the freedom in my life to travel and do the things I love... when I want.
For the last 6 months, I have been on my own with my kids half the time, and I have put everything to do with my home based business on hold while I figured out a long term goal for myself (and enjoyed the summer). But now I am ready. I am ready to work my business and help others build theirs, and I have found a company that I believe in.
Isn't it strange how things always happen for a reason? I mean... my separation actually lead me to this business.
Anyway, the point here is that I want to share something I learned today about how all sales are not created equal. In network marketing, the type of sales you make, can make or break your long term business sustainability.
Good sales come from a place of want or need in the customer.
Bad sales come from a place of greed.
If someone buys your network marketing product or service because the want it or need it, chances are very good that they will continue to reorder whatever you're selling. Finding customers and making good sales will create a strong residual income for you and your family over time. Plus, you will feel good making that kind of sale. It's fun.
However, if someone joins your company because they see it primarily as a way to get rich, chances are high that they will not keep ordering the product once they get frustrated with the business. It's not good for anyone.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you are struggling with whether or not to join a certain network marketing company:
Would you order the product or service if there was no opportunity attached?
If you would make the purchase regardless of the business opportunity, this is a good start to making good sales. However, it's not the only factor. Some companies have great products and a terrible business plan. You want a product you believe in so that you can feel good about yourself AND a great business to complement it. I personally use products from several companies but that doesn't mean I sell them all. I have one company that I am building as a business even though I order from several.
Would you feel compelled and excited to tell others about the product?
Feeling comfortable talking about your business or product is important. After all, network marketing is primarily a word of mouth business. And when you are excited and believe in what you are selling, then you are giving value to people, not just 'making sales'.
How much does it cost to join and how much is the monthly autoship cost?
I tend to steer clear of companies that want you to buy thousands of dollars of products up front. It may seem like a good way to acquire 'inventory' but the products usually end up on your garage. It seriously doesn't take a fortune to start a successful network marketing company, and that's part of the reason of recommend it. A reasonable start up cost would be $100-$500 (in product/service that you want and will use). After that, you can add to your inventory over time. A reasonable autoship would be less $100. A hundred bucks a month is a very reasonable cost to run a business, especially if you feel you are getting value for your money and can write it all off for tax purposes.
Is your compensation based on selling products or on recruiting members?
If you get paid to recruit people, then there's something a little shade in the mix. A legitimate network marketing company should pay you well, but it should be based of your sales, and on how well you support and train others to do the same.
Network marketing is a powerful vehicle that can help you reach your dreams if you do it properly and have fun along the way. So once you decide on the company you want to be a part of, have fun making good sales.

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Ways to Do Business From Home That You Haven't Thought Of

Doing marketing work online from home is a sure way of running a business with great potential. Provided you choose wisely with whom to work and what products or services to market there is today a great income potential from this and it is worth serious consideration as an alternative to almost any other kind of home business.
There are a lot of different programs around and some of these offer a really great income opportunity. There are also a lot that are worthless and of course some outright scams but a little detective work will soon ferret out the serious business opportunities.
When choosing one should consider a few hard facts, the first of these being the start-up cost. In many of these, especially the good ones there are fees that need to be paid, be sure to choose one you can afford and one that preferably is quite open about the fees involved.
The amount of money paid should be in proportion to what help you can get especially when starting, and what tools are included in the deal.
Many of these are MLMs, that is not in itself a bad thing as you can maybe get in for a lesser amount and finance upgrade when you start generating income.
The second fact to consider is the amount of time you have to put in, this of course is especially important if the plan is to still have a traditional job and do this in spare time.
At least when starting you will have to put in a lot of hours so it is essential for the outcome to be able to put enough time in the venture.
It is essential to do the groundwork properly, if you do this like a hobby the chances are that the income from this will be disappointing.
Only by treating this seriously, like with a business that you have invested your future in are you likely to get a serious income from this.
The third fact is about yourself, you need to figure out if this is the kind of work that you like to do. The work is promoting a product or suite of products, or maybe services on the internet.
If you do not feel comfortable by the thought then this is not for you, marketing takes time and for most of us the performance we deliver lessens when the interest is not there.
But for those who have the interest it is a great way to make a living, especially if we are good enough to get a good income out of this.
There is potential to gain a really great standard of living, with enough money for a good living and still have lots of spare time for family and friends.
So it is definitely one of the better ones and also quite easy and affordable to start.
Only to start looking now!
This article written by Robert Lindstrom, 57 year old professional truck driver living in Sweden.

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Network Marketing: Why Traditional Prospecting And Lead Generation Fail!

Have you ever wondered why millions upon millions of people want what network marketing has to offer (residual income, time freedom), but a very low percentage actually achieve it?
Does that mean the remainder of the people who were once in love quickly fell out of love with the dream of residual income and time freedom? Or was the training they received on prospecting and lead generation an archaic, Industrial generation way of thinking?
Think about it; the 2 main ingredients to a successful network marketing business are exposure and relationships. This is undeniable; you cannot have a successful network marketing business without finding success with these 2 main ingredients.
When the baby boomers (industrial generation) pioneered this awesome way for the normal folk to get into an opportunity to build a leveraged business, there was no internet. There were no cell phones, snap chat or Facebook.
That is where the ever popular and loathed term of "make a list of friends and family, call them and inquire if they are interested in your opportunity". The majority of people who do not join network marketing are due to that old method of prospecting and lead generation.
It makes perfect sense though. Back when there was no internet, Facebook and social media, what would be the absolute quickest way to build trust and relationships with people? From people you already know! People you already have a relationship with and a certain level of trust. So, it's not the fact that it doesn't work, it's the fact the old way of prospecting and lead generation hasn't evolved into current times and technology.
Just as you are striving for a leveraged business that will generate you a residual income; you must also strive to leverage your prospecting and lead generation efforts if you are ever going to see success in your network marketing business. The old ways of prospecting and lead generation, the normal folk can do an average of 25 exposures a month. With the power of the internet, you can expose 25,000 to your opportunity in that same month. You just cannot compete with those numbers.
People that can see this "changing of the guard" and take action will experience the best of times in their business. The people who do not choose to embrace this way of prospecting and lead generation will experience the worst of times in their business.

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Network Marketing: Why Traditional Prospecting And Lead Generation Fail!

Have you ever wondered why millions upon millions of people want what network marketing has to offer (residual income, time freedom), but a very low percentage actually achieve it?
Does that mean the remainder of the people who were once in love quickly fell out of love with the dream of residual income and time freedom? Or was the training they received on prospecting and lead generation an archaic, Industrial generation way of thinking?
Think about it; the 2 main ingredients to a successful network marketing business are exposure and relationships. This is undeniable; you cannot have a successful network marketing business without finding success with these 2 main ingredients.
When the baby boomers (industrial generation) pioneered this awesome way for the normal folk to get into an opportunity to build a leveraged business, there was no internet. There were no cell phones, snap chat or Facebook.
That is where the ever popular and loathed term of "make a list of friends and family, call them and inquire if they are interested in your opportunity". The majority of people who do not join network marketing are due to that old method of prospecting and lead generation.
It makes perfect sense though. Back when there was no internet, Facebook and social media, what would be the absolute quickest way to build trust and relationships with people? From people you already know! People you already have a relationship with and a certain level of trust. So, it's not the fact that it doesn't work, it's the fact the old way of prospecting and lead generation hasn't evolved into current times and technology.
Just as you are striving for a leveraged business that will generate you a residual income; you must also strive to leverage your prospecting and lead generation efforts if you are ever going to see success in your network marketing business. The old ways of prospecting and lead generation, the normal folk can do an average of 25 exposures a month. With the power of the internet, you can expose 25,000 to your opportunity in that same month. You just cannot compete with those numbers.
People that can see this "changing of the guard" and take action will experience the best of times in their business. The people who do not choose to embrace this way of prospecting and lead generation will experience the worst of times in their business.

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Are Your MLM Potentials Top-Quality, Average, or Sub-Par?

If you waited for the perfect prospect, you would probably never, or almost never, get anyone in your downline. And your business would never become profitable! For the largest checks, you need the best downline. On the other hand, you really can't waste your time talking to people who will never join your business, no matter what logic, incentive, or discussion you give them.
Why do so many new networkers waste their time on people who won't join? It seems that most people don't want to give up on anyone, regardless of the reason. They think they can eventually talk someone into joining. Unfortunately, that is not true. Besides, those who do join under such strong pressure will not really appreciate you or your business because they would feel forced into it.
Let's see what happens during a telephone call with a cold-market prospect. Do you play it safe and just end the call, hanging up quickly, or do you risk it all and spend your hard-earned money on mailing the information to the prospect? The person might appear, or in this case sound, willing and eager, but if he fails to respond, or never calls you back, then you will quickly realize that this person wasn't the person to whom you should have spend the shipping dollars on. Really, all you can do in this situation is to mark it as experience and practice. Remember not to bother shipping to that kind of person again! So, you try again. And what happens? The same thing? Something is wrong. The problem rests on a multiple of factors.
And one of them is you.
As a new marketer, you may not realize that simple human nature often affects every one of your prospects. They automatically build walls around themselves to protect themselves from bad outside influences. People will tell all manners of falsehoods just to avoid doing something they do not want to do. Most of the time it's not about you. They just don't want to do it, and unfortunately lying is the only way they know to leave the situation.
First, there are the sub-par candidates. They wouldn't recognize a good opportunity if it hit them in the face. There is nothing whatsoever inside of themselves that involves a network marketing business. They might want lots of money, but they don't even see MLMs as one of the pathways to such riches. Let's see what they say:
remove from list
pyramid scheme
sounds good, but have to go
I'm not interested
I have only a few dollars to spend this week
Second, there are the average candidates. You can't really tell if they are interested or not right away. Here is what they say:
haven't had the time to look at the material yet
I'll think about it
been so busy
don't remember you. What is this for again?
unsure if this is what I want to do
tried something similar before and it didn't work
call me back at another time
These people might be good to work with, but don't bet that many of them would really join your business. They are obviously not committed enough to success, or to their own financial gain even! Some from this group may join, but most will not. You may be able to get a better response from this group if you were to befriend them, and to get to know them and their families and their likes and dislikes better. Perhaps your business might fill a need that they might have. Feel them out. See if they have what it takes to succeed. Perhaps, some day, they will see your success and want to join you later on.
Finally, there are the top-quality candidates. This group is excited and ready to go. They're full of mission-drive and well stop at next to nothing to get what they want. THESE are the ones you need and want in your business! Here is what this group says:
tell me what to do and I'll do it
placed order before talking to you
sounds great. Count me in
what do I do next
Basically, if they contact you, they are very highly interested. They likely have sponsored many people in other businesses, proving their track record. They might even have people already lined up to join under them immediately after they join you! They are willing to learn and do whatever is needed to succeed. They are very success-conscious and won't let people stop them from achieving their goals in life. Definitely take your time with this group. Learn about them and their families. Introduce them to your business "parents," your upline. You will probably have to help them at first, but don't overeducate them. They will catch the drift quickly and start running! Just get out of their way! You'll probably even be influenced and taught by them! They're not too good to be true; they ARE true!

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5 Reasons to Start Up a Network Marketing Business

Lots of people start out in network marketing each and every day for a variety of reasons. Some people really succeed at it while others find it hard to find their feet. Others still consider it to be some sort of a scam. In order for you to make an informed decision as to whether it is the thing for you, here are a list of reasons that people get involved and see if anything matches up to your current needs.
1. They just had a baby
Everything changes for some people when they have a baby. They discover that leaving home to go work for the 'man' is n longer something they want to do anymore and so they start to look for options that offer a certain amount of flexibility.
They find it in MLM.
2. They are coming up to retirement
People may have worked all their life in a job and maybe they enjoyed it but the time has come to make room for younger people. They however, are not ready to quit everything so they join a network marketing company both to make a little extra money and also to lead a team of people and impart wisdom to them while supporting them in growing their own business. It becomes a way of giving to people as well as staying in touch with the happenings of the world.
3. They are looking to get passive income
This can sometimes be a result of mis-selling. Yes, most network marketing companies support you in building up passive income but at the start, like most businesses, it is anything but passive. It is pretty hard work. And you may not notice that when all the testimonials are being sent your way. Yes, you will get passive income but you will work very hard for it.
4. They love the products
Some people start using the products first as a retail customer and discover how excellent they are and then decide to get even more of a discount by stepping onto the compensation plan. This group may or may not actually build a solid business but they will be great consumers as well as recommending it easily to others.
5. They want to learn how to run a business
Running a business is not always as easy as it is cracked up to be. Yes, it is simply buy low, sell high but there is a lot that goes in betweeing the buying and the selling. A good network marketing company can help you learn the ins and outs of business building for a very little outlay at the start of your business. And because it is all about building a team, you are never alone in it. You can always find people to support you in your business.

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Using Twitter for Your Marketing

1 Twitter Overview and your MLM Marketing
Jack Dorsey and friends launched Twitter in 2006, he imagined it as a SMS based platform. The original intention was for a group of friends to keep in touch based on their status updates. For more on the history of Twitter, click the link. Ever since the first Tweet went out and the public went crazy over it, businesses went and adopted strategies to use for marketing. As you can see, nine years later, Twitter has grown on many different platforms. Your MLM marketing business can benefit from using Twitter. What are the benefits of Twitter? How can you network and bring in business to your site from Twitter?
Twitter offers an easy to use graphical mini blogging system. You can embed links of various types. You can upload videos and share other types of content without breaking the 140-character barrier. Twitter offers an advertising platform as well to help you generate traffic to your site and to your landing pages. Once you sign up for Twitter, you will have access to your account. During your initial setup phase, you may want to find five or more accounts to follow. You should also design profile and add relevant information for interested prospects to follow up with you. Do not worry about following trends just yet, which will come later after you get your marketing profile set up.
1.1 Make Twitter Publishing for your Marketing a Habit
Once you are up and running on Twitter and content with the layout of your profile. You can social scheduling tools to keep your Twitter account full of fresh and relevant information. You should also spend time interacting with followers and accounts by retweeting and hitting the favorite button for the best tweets. Make it a habit to publish daily, at least a few shares of content. You can watch your Twitter account grow.

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MLM Success Tips - How To Silence The Haters!

Call them haters. Call them doubters. Call them whatever you want. I call them my motivation. We all have them in our lives. The dream killers. Those that are afraid to follow their dreams. And, encourage you to give up on yours too.
In the beginning, friends, family, strangers... all said the same thing. It couldn't be done. Now, six months in, after I have learned to sign up one to three people a week into my business; after I have started making my own products that are selling like crazy, NOW they want to be believers.
It hasn't even been a year yet and people are asking, "How are you doing it?" What do you think? Should I tell them my secret? Should I let them know that to be successful you have to be consistent? Should I tell them the dirty little secret that the more I focused on HELPING others instead of making money... the more the money came in? Do they deserve to know my simple four step formula:
Tip - # 1
  • I produce NO LESS than one piece of content a day (preferably a blog article). My content creation takes into mind challenges others are facing, I find the answers they are looking for and write the article, make a video or both.
Tip - # 2
  • If I am going to succumb to fear, then it is the fear of not calling my leads back because someone else might beat me to it. So many people lose out on so much money because they are afraid of what the person on the other end of the phone will think of them. This is a simple challenge to overcome. Think instead of how much money you are losing because someone else (me) calls them back.
Tip - # 3
  • Study one Industry Leader EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ask yourself, "Did (he/she) get to the top by doing what I am doing?" - "What are "They" doing differently that you need to start taking action on today!" And, "How are they promoting themselves?"
Tip - # 4
  • Should I inform them, I ask twenty people every single day "How can I help you?" or "How can I be of assistance to you today?"
The end of the matter is this! All of your efforts, all of your content creation, all of your studying, should be with these principles as the end goal. Step outside of yourself. Instead of attending your next webinar with the attitude of what YOU can get out of it... go as a guest, looking for the answer to someone else's struggle.
My parting note today is this: Those who want you to give up on your dream have already given up on theirs. And, as the common saying goes, "Misery is looking for company." So who will you surround yourself with?
-- Bubbie --

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How to Become More Attractive to Your Network Marketing Prospects

Are you out beating the bushes and trying your best to build your network marketing business? Thousands of well meaning network marketers are out doing the same thing on a daily basis. Are you performing the right actions to attract your ideal team member? Here are some tips on how to become more attractive to your network marketing prospects.
#1 Present Yourself As a Professional
If you were in a traditional business, do you think anyone would know about it? Of course they would. You would be so excited that you had just opened up your own storefront, service or just created your first product. You wouldn't feel bad about talking to people about your business. You would have business cards, promotional materials and present yourself as a professional. You should do this with your network marketing business as well. People do business with those they like and trust. If they don't like the way you're doing business, they will not be attracted to you.
#2 Always Offer Value
When you are out networking or on social media, you should always be helpful. Don't offer advice that people don't want, but if you hear someone asking for a solution to their challenge, offer that solution by telling what you are doing that is working for you. You don't even have to get anything out of this other than the satisfaction of helping someone else.
#3 Be Authentic
I am sure that you hear in the industry that positives should go down and negativity should go up. This means if you are having a challenge, you should share it with your upline and ask for help but not burden your downline. What it does NOT mean is that you should never let someone know you're human. For instance, if I am having a crazy day with the kids, I might tell a team member and talk about what I am doing to power through that. This builds trust. If we are always acting like we are perfect, no one will trust us. Who knows what we are hiding, right?
These are just a few of the very simple things you can do to become more attractive to your network marketing prospects. Just think about what you find attractive and build upon that since "you" are usually your ideal client.

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