Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hypnosis: Can't Stop Laughing (Request)

This video's effects will last up to one hour. So for one for one hour you should find everything extremely funny and you will not be able to stop laughing. Enjoy the video and as of always thank you for all the views and subscriptions.

I can read your mind!

Cool trick my math teacher back in the day showed me.

The instructions are dumb in the wording and hard to follow. I'll upload another, however, I don't want to take this one down for the views.

google tricks

a video i made on tricks i found out about google


How does Google search work?

Hi Matt, could you please explain how Google's ranking and website evaluation process works starting with the crawling and analysis of a site, crawling timelines, frequencies, priorities, indexing and filtering processes within the databases etc. RobertvH, Munich

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