Thursday, September 24, 2015

Destroying Your Downline

Building your network marketing business.
There have been many articles, books, and trainings about doing just that. Unfortunately, though, many businesses are suffering because they are just not making much money at all. In fact, many barely make 3 digit checks. Let alone the higher-ups in the industry making very large 6-figure checks.
You work so hard at your business, yet your business is still lagging seriously behind. And maybe some months you're even paying out more than you are getting back. You follow your sponsors and company's suggestions and still hardly got anything to happen.
There are 3 serious problems which really help to destroy your downline growth, which results in your own personal income being drastically lowered.
1 - Samples and Incentives
I'm a big fan of incentives, and samples are great ways to expose people to specific products from your company. Both are incredible ways to introduce your prospective customer or associate to your company and it's related products and services. However, prospects really need a bit more to convince them to join you, if they are fist convinced to start their own business in the first place! Besides, who gets credit for the samples and incentives? The companies and your upline! After all, you did have to pay for them out of your own pocket.
2 - Sponsors
This is a very sticky point for some. I could go on and on about the sponsors who don't respond to the calls from their downline. I could reiterate how some sponsors get people in then leave them alone to fend for themselves. But this time, it's not the sponsor's direct fault so much. Most downline members are not superstar leaders and self-starters. They really need and require leadership and guidance. Look at your downlines some time and see who isn't doing so much. I bet that person needs some help from you!
3 - Compensation Plans
Well, the compensation plan of many companies are quite lucrative. Other plans are so confusing that even the people who created them barely understand them. There are so many compensation plans all over the place, why would anyone want to join your company? Just because it's a different plan from the others? I'm afraid that compensation plans aren't exactly the most productive advertisers for network marketing companies.
So, although your company and it's products and services might be exemplary, if you don't have a knowledgeable downline, you won't have a 6-figure check. Downline members are frustrated because they don't know what to do or how to do it. They probably also don't have the right things to do it with. Even though they might still stick with you, within themselves they are really becoming creatures with less and less hope of success.
So build them up for success and watch your profits skyrocket!

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