Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How To Learn Swimming

Have you ever wanted to get good at swimming. Well look no further than this instructional video on How To Learn Swimming . Follow Videojug's professionals as they steer you through this advice video.
ave you ever wanted to get good at swimming. Well look no further than this instructional video on How To Learn Swimming . Follow Videojug's professionals as they steer you through this advice video.

Learn to Count, Learning Numbers 1-100 Part 9: 90-100

Intelligent Kids World - iKIDSWORLD - FREE interactive educational e-learning videos & eBooks helping kids learn English.

PART 9: Learning numbers 1-100. Learn to Count 1-100.

E-learning videos with colorful numerical images & a kids voice to help children relate and maintain attention while learning.

Learning numbers will help kids build the basic fundamentals of math, learn to count, and learn how to solve problems.

E-learning is an excellent tool used to help kids learn how to speak English.

Video teaching kids how to Speak & Read English. Kids learn English by learning to recognize numbers and learn to count.

Occupy your kids time efficiently and effectively. Having a routine will encourage responsibility and help kids develop Healthy quality skills that will allow them to succeed.

PART 1 - LEARN Alphabet ABCD Read + Write Individually - Video with Voice

PART 1. Your Kids Will Learn English Alphabet Individually within Two Week

Flashcards for Kids and Children in English. Early Education

Flashcard slideshow for Richard V Krokos (6 months old) Early

ESL Beginners English Lesson - Names of Fruits

ESL Vocabulary lesson, fruits, colours, colors, names of fruits and colours. English for kids, children and beginners. Fruits, apple, peach, pear, colours, red, orange, green

English vocabulary house

English vocabulary house

Clothes Alphabet | Learn English | Vocabulary

This lesson looks at the names of clothes in English. It also helps you learn the phonetic alphabet. The phonetic alphabet can really help you to pronounce words properly. Every good dictionary will give you a phonetic transcription of every word. Learn the phonetic alphabet and never worry about mispronouncing a word again.

In the Kitchen | Learn English | Vocabulary

How well do you know the things in your kitchen? This lesson looks at 36 common and less common items that you might find in your own kitchen. Each word has a phonetic transcription to go with it to help you learn the all-important phonetic alphabet. Listen and repeat each word and improve your pronunciation along with your vocabulary. The lesson is colourful and has a lively soundtrack. There is a version without music if you prefer.

How to learn English words: English vocabulary FAQ | British English

Summery of Top tips for learning English vocabulary

(1) Learn English vocabulary in context, not through lists

CONTEXT is important so that you can learn HOW, and in WHAT situation to use words. You will learn better quality vocabulary by learning naturally through your English reading, speaking writing and listening.

(2) Don't learn individual English words, learn phrases

Generally however vocabulary is best learned in phrases.This is because words make very strong patterns with other words (called collocation)

(3) Aim to learn 1000 new words a year

I would say that you should learn 1000 words a year. This sounds a lot. But it's not.

(4) Get out of the habit of looking new words up in the dictionary.

Only look up English words in the dictionary when you are reading if you REALLY have to. If a word is important it WILL come up again, whether in reading, English conversation or whatever.

Books referenced in this video:

Nation, I.S.P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nation, P. and Crabbe, D. (1991). 'A survival language learning syllabus for foreign travel', System 19:3 191-201.

Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

How It's Made PENCIL

This 5 minutes video explains how pencil is made.Thumbnail

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