Sunday, September 20, 2015

Emotional Infections - Do You Have One or Are You Passing One On?

Expert Author Pamela Levin
Contact with other people is an essential part of human life. Since before recorded history, people have always lived in groups. In fact, it's likely we would not have survived as a species if we had not had support from other humans. Clearly, relationships with others have survival value, both for each of us as individuals, and as a group.
But human relationships can have disadvantages too. No doubt if we started to name them we could compose quite a list. Luckily, some of these don't have to stay disadvantages, but rather can become opportunities to grow and evolve. Topping this list is something called an 'emotional infection.'
An emotional infection is like a virus, only it's an emotion. It's a feeling or experience one person disowns and handles it by setting up another person (or people) or animal (!) to feel instead. A classic example is someone who feels hurt from being chastised by a boss at work and comes home and kicks the dog. Another classic example is the bully who disowns his or her own fear but sets up others to feel it instead by threatening them.
Sometimes in a family or organizational system, one person has this assigned role - to carry some disowned feeling or experience. Its certainly never stated as part of an agreement to marry, say, or as part of an employment contract. Instead it's communicated and enforced non-verbally, 'under the table'. Take the example of an office assistant who compulsively arrives earlier than the boss and leaves later, having become 'emotionally infected' with the boss's fear of being abandoned. Often without being aware of it, the assistant 'believes' at an emotional level that job security depends on protecting the boss from those feelings.
To work with this situation, when you notice an emotion, you can ask yourself these simple questions:
"Whose feeling is this?
Is it mine?
Or someone else's that I'm carrying?"
As you reflect on the answers that pop up, you may realize that the feeling or experience you're carrying belongs to your life partner or your boss or your child or your parent, and not to you.
If you realize the feeling belongs to you, take care that you own it. In other words, that you take responsibility for it rather than passing it on to someone else.
If you discover you're carrying someone else's feeling, beware of an all-too-common trap people fall into, which is to try to pass the feeling back onto the person (or people or organization) from whom you got the 'emotional infection.' If you do that, you could spend the rest of your life struggling to get the other party to own it.
Instead, treat it as if you just discovered you were holding some rotten, smelly bit of garbage. Instead of handing it to somebody else, just put it down. You might even hold the image of an actual garbage can marked 'emotional refuse'.
Then, awaken your thinking capacities. Next time you're in contact with that person or people or organization, notice what happens when invitations to pick up that disowned emotion get passed around, and you don't pick it up! Nor do you struggle or argue or get mad or in any way engage with it.
You'll find out just how much the stability of the other person/people/organization depended on your carrying it for them.
Plus, you're back in a position of power over yourself. That's because you've used this situation as an opportunity to become more conscious - to grow and evolve.

Health Tip - Planting "SSEEDs" for Healthy Adolescents

If you think your child isn't listening to you, think again. During the adolescent period from age 10 through 26, the College of Medicine's Dr. Lisa Barkley*, says parents have a tremendous opportunity to plant the "SSEED" for healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
  • Sleep - Never underestimate the power of sleep, especially for adolescents. Teens need at least eight hours of sleep per night, and sometimes more during growth periods. This also is a time to help your child establish good "sleep hygiene" habits like nightly routines that signal the body to prepare for restful sleep. Most important for this age group is turning off all electronic devices, from cell phones to televisions.

  • Stress - Ask any parent and they'll tell you that kids are more stressed out than ever before. It's the plague of modern times that can lead to chronic diseases if not handled appropriately. As parents, it's important to teach your child good stress management skills. Many kids relax by playing music or participating in sporting activities, while others release tension by talking with friends or journaling. Talk with your child to see how they handle stress, and make sure there's enough downtime. In fact, consider reserving one day a week where there are no plans at all.

  • Exercise - With so many ways to stay connected with friends through technology, it's no wonder that kids don't exercise as much as they used to. However, their body's need for exercise hasn't changed. Experts recommend that adolescents younger than 18 years of age get an hour of vigorous physical activity a day, and those 18 and older need 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week. And who knows, as your child exercises more, his or her stress levels may decrease.

  • Environment - Take a close look around your home and really analyze how your adolescent is spending his or her time. Consider limiting the amount of time interacting with technology-from cell phones and computers to video games and television-to two hours per day. Also consider taking a holiday from electronics. For example, try going for an entire Sunday afternoon with no electronics of any type... parents, too. This may be easier to implement when you consider that by age 20, most adolescents have been exposed to 500,000 deaths through electronic media. By limiting their "screen time," you're also helping to prevent them from being desensitized to violence.

  • Diet - Getting your adolescent to eat at least five fruits and veggies per day may be a tall order, but it is important for their overall health. Also limit sugary beverages (or at least reserve them for special occasions) and encourage them to drink more water. And think "farm to table" when it comes to food selections, trying very hard to avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners whenever possible.
According to Dr. Barkley, parents don't have to be perfect. However, they should be good role models for the types of healthy lifestyle habits they're trying to instill in their adolescents.
* Dr. Barkley treats patients and is the Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean of Diversity and Inclusion at the UCF College of Medicine.
As part of the UCF College of Medicine, UCF Pegasus Health was developed as a way to provide individualized, multidisciplinary health care based on the latest medical advancements. Staffed by faculty physicians, patients can receive primary and specialized care at our medical facility located at 3400 Quadrangle Blvd., Orlando, FL 32817. Specialties include adolescent medicine (age 16+), cardiology, endocrinology, geriatrics, internal medicine, nephrology, rheumatology and sports medicine. For more information or to schedule an appointment,

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The new Juvederm Voluma® XC procedure has been classified as one of the best anti-aging procedures till date. Not only does this procedure make your skin look young and healthy but the effects of the treatment are longer-lasting too.
JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC vs. Other Procedures
The Juvederm Voluma® XC treatment lasts much longer than other anti-aging procedures. It gives your skin a more natural look and feel. Not only will you look young but your skin will also feel soft and healthy. Made from hyaluronic acid, this substance allows you to change the contours of your face so that you can make your face look exactly the way you want it to. The substance is injected deep into your skin so you will feel less pain during the procedure. Because of the deep injections, your skin will also be less prone to bruising. The recovery period is so short that you can walk in for the procedure on a Friday morning and get back to your office on Monday without anyone noticing any change. Voluma can be injected anywhere on the face right from your cheeks to the temple region and the jawline.
Cost Of Treatment
The initial cost is a little steep as compared to other treatments. A person would need between 2 to 6 syringes depending on how much surface area needs to be filled. However, these other procedures would usually last for a few months before you have to go back and get them re-done. The Voluma treatment, however, lasts for 18 to 24 months. So if you look at it as a long term investment, you will end up paying less for this technique since you will have to do it less frequently.
Necessary Precautions
Doctors all over warn their patients that the Juvederm Voluma XC treatment should only be done by highly skilled professionals who are very experienced with this procedure. Not only must the doctor know exactly how to carry out this highly precise technique but it is also important for the doctor to be artistic and understand the facial and bone structure of the patient. This is because it is easy to overdo the treatment and this can make the patient look bloated and unnatural. It is very difficult for a person to know exactly when to stop injecting the Voluma and that is why only the most skilled and experienced doctors will be able to inject the exact amount needed for you to look young and healthy without looking unnatural.
True-MD is a medical spa that offers a number of non-surgical procedures. Based in Lakeland, this spa believes in giving their patients a comfortable experience in a luxurious environment. The trained team of professionals offers various procedures to make people feel and look beautiful. Also check out our new page on JUVÉDERM Voluma® XC.

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Making A "Smart Start" For Fitness

To start any health care program on an empowering note, here are a few of my special, personal tips to create new opportunities for successful achievement of your health and wellness goals.
1) Commit to achieving your goals by making yourself right. When you make choices from a negative perspective, you make yourself wrong, which is a total set-up for failure. There are enough things in life that are positioned to invalidate you, so beating up on yourself is a certain path to disaster. Choosing to create habits that support your health, happiness, and enjoyment of life are empowering motivations. Get clear on what you really want and trust that you have the power and the ability to make a loving commitment to achieve your goals. Know that it is your right to be healthy and happy - whatever that is for you. Give yourself permission to go for and have what you desire.
2) Determine your "ideal" according to who you are. Get clear on whether you are respecting your cultural and unique characteristics in your concept of health and beauty or whether you are being a "slave to media conditioning." Educate yourself to your body type and form and the fashion styles that compliment you.
3) Respect the process. A truly bad habit is to be in a hurry for results. It took a lifetime of experiences to get where you are now, so allow yourself time to appreciate your individual process of self-discovery in order to make lasting changes. You do this by:
a) forgiving yourself for your past and respecting it as a learning experience;
b) empowering yourself to be in the NOW by:
i) letting go of the past and choosing to be responsible to your present choices;
ii) creating small goals to lead to larger ones;
iii) affirming yourself through the process without condemning yourself for slip-ups, and
c) educating yourself for intelligent and proper self-care. Learn how and what to do to safely and wisely progress in your personal maintenance program.
4) Begin correctly and enjoy long-lasting results. Start with professional guidance. Investigate the credentials and educational background of the professionals you choose to ensure they are right for you. Use a search engine to determine what the curriculum is for their certifications, degrees, etc., and research questions (and answers) to interview any prospective pro that you hire. It is wise to make a small investment at the start of your program rather than suffering huge costs (quite probably financial, medical, etc.) caused by attempting to take short-cuts and save a buck. Remember, you are investing in your most valuable resource: you.
5) Trust that you have the right and the power to achieve your goals. A few tips for keeping the faith are:
a) develop a routine of daily affirmations. The "chatter" that goes on in your mind can often be influenced by negative thoughts so it is important to consciously affirm yourself to stay motivated;
b) give daily thanks for all you have. An "attitude of gratitude" keeps your focus on just how fortunate you really are which is one of the most empowering, motivational tools you have;
c) like your "exercise look" to feel good about yourself while doing this part of your wellness program; and
d) give yourself daily, weekly and monthly rewards for what you've done towards your goal achievements.
6) Create a loving support system with a motivation partner(s). Choose someone of "like energy" with whom you easily recognize your true power to share your goals, dreams, stresses, and success. It is important to have someone who is on the same level of commitment and motivation to stay focused and to battle the tough times and naysayers with you. Advertise for an exercise buddy at your fitness facility, online (e.g., on social networking sites), your local newspaper, etc.
7) Be creative and have fun! Try new things. Research new modalities. Be brave and try them. You have nothing to lose (choose wisely - see all steps above) and you'll have a good time with new adventures!

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Why Is There So Much Media Exposure About The Failure of Workplace Wellness Lately?

You'd have to be a species of Ostrich not to realize workplace wellness is now on the receiving end of being creatively destroyed. It will soon be retired along with the flat earth theory, rusty surgical saws, lead wine goblets, and flying steam engines. But just think of the better ideas that followed those. Be realistic and stay optimistic.
Nature abhors a vacuum. And we let a huge one develop in workplace wellness by forgetting what "wellness" was really about - helping people live full, happy lives, and treating them with dignity and respect. But somehow it became an exercise in penalizing people with "wrong" outcomes, classifying healthy people as patients, getting them to do stuff they don't want to do, poking them with needles, and prying into their private lives. In the process of executing these terrible ideas, based on faulty data, over a long period of time, we've arrived at a tipping point.
The Dynamic Duo
How Al Lewis (think IBM®'s super computer, Watson, but with the addition of a law degree and a wicked sense of humor) met Vik Khanna (a descendant of Genghis Khan?), I don't know. But they're the dynamic duo behind the creative destruction coming soon to a workplace wellness program near you. They call themselves, "Partners In Rationality." I totally get that after observing the whacky world of workplace wellness for the last 20 years.
The price for a barrel of rationality is at an all-time high in wellness, so Lewis and Khanna have a valuable commodity to sell.
The information that has posed as valid wellness research for so many years is nonsense. The math simply doesn't work. I even worked it out with just my bio-fueled, C+ grade brain, and a calculator. See "Workplace Wellness ROI: A Simple Way To Verify."
And make sure and check out this highly relevant, recent Health Affairs article, "Workplace Wellness Produces No Savings" by Lewis, Khanna, and Montrose, and then read through the comments. It's a lively, civil, and productive debate, which is long overdue.
Lewis also keeps offering the "researchers" who are targets of his highly detailed, mathematical criticisms multi-thousand dollar rewards to refute his claims or debate him openly. In effect proving, once again that extrinsic incentives don't work, because nobody takes him up on the challenge. Lewis is often vilified in closed forums and cut-off from participating, or defending himself in those webinar, bully fests. It was exactly that cold-shoulder approach to this guy that got me more interested in who he was. And it turns out he's the guy who confronts the bully in the hall and punches him in the nose. I don't like bullies. I was sold.
How the ACA is helping to accelerate the demise of workplace wellness as we know it
The ACA (aka Obama Care) and its high level focus on workplace wellness (based on false data), via its subsidy to support incentives (which have never worked), have enticed workplaces to engage in practices that inevitably attracted law suits by the EEOC, and soon to come, many others. It's no surprise the major media outlets are now taking notice. And guess who the journalist like? That's right, Watson (Lewis) and Genghis Khan (Khanna). They're controversial, in-your-face, funny, and can go to a deadly serious mode with math and other statistics as fast as Hawkeye Pierce of the 4077th, M*A*S*H Unit knew it was time to surgeon up.
Here's the most recent major media story using these guys as a source, "Why 'wellness' program scams cost employers and harm employees," by Michael Hiltzik of The Los Angeles Times. And the hits just keep on rolling. The big media outlets are now "all-in" on the debate.
As creative destruction reigns, chaos is starting to take a turn. There are three types of characters to be aware of as Workplace Wellness goes through its metamorphosis of worm to butterfly.
1. Ostriches (or Klingons?): Wellness companies, organizations, and their owners and officers who think workplace wellness is fine as is. They dig in their heels, and are vague or silent in defending the specific failings cited in their methods. They send out email promotions like "Wellness Still Works," "The Critics Are Wrong," etc. They're immune to the reality of math, the dependability of good science, the blessings of common sense, and empathy for the human condition. Sometimes they present as academicians or doctors. They just want you to shut-up and listen to their wisdom. I secretly suspect they're Klingons.
2. Charlatans & Imposters: These are the ones who use Homonyms. That means the same words can have different meanings. For example, a politician might use the word "freedom" but could actually mean you'll be shot if you try to cross a border. See how that works? "Cultures of health," and "healthy workplace cultures" don't get that way by using extrinsic incentives, cattle prods, bio-metric screening, HRAs, ROI claims data metrics, and weight loss contests. Beware of anybody using those terms or programs with those tactics! It's the same wolf in sheep's clothing. Want to know what healthy workplace cultures are really about read, "How to Build a Thriving Culture at Work, Featuring The 7 Points of Transformation"*, by Rosie Ward and Jon Robison.
3. Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves: These are the "professionals." The authoritative, serious looking people, usually impeccably attired, often self-proclaimed experts in employee benefits. Sometimes they'll do group photo ops with other members of their gangs. Their message: "We're a lot smarter than you and we're here to set you straight." Their role in your life is to increase complexity, drama, and costs. They help workplaces "navigate" the ACA regulations, the EEOC law suits, be in HIPAA compliance, and walk that fine line of protecting confidentiality as their clients extract information from employees that is none of their business. All of which nobody would have to worry about if they'd just run a good business and quit prodding everyone to do stuff they don't want to do.
Besides, all there is to know about healthful lifestyles is available for free on the Intelligence For Your Life radio show with John Tesh. Plus you get to listen to some great music. Pipe that into your workplace. What could be better?
My advice. Believe Lewis and Khanna, they're right about what is wrong with wellness. And respect their capabilities to destroy the current workplace wellness model. They're doing it as you read this. And then see what Ward and Robison have to say in the book mentioned above. These are some of the key players behind the creative destruction of wellness as we know it, and a new developing paradigm of how we think about life and work.

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Why Your Cycling Technique Matters

The word "technique" intrigues some and makes others yawn. But there's much to be said for technique. It's the foundation for all athletic performance features.
Technique involves improved skills. In the broadest, most general terms, that means eliminating unnecessary movement; making movements in the correct directions; applying the necessary power, but no more than that; using the right muscles for the activity; and using optimal speed if time isn't a factor.
Okay, that's a dry list. Still, the benefits of good technique - and the consequences of bad - affect training and performance. The last thing I'm going to do is describe cycling technique; vastly superior riders have done that in too many venues. (Check out the excellent videos online.)
Instead, I'd like to list some benefits of good technique.
The main benefit of good technique is efficiency. Efficiency is the ratio of work output to expended energy. If work output increases OR energy expenditure decreases, efficiency has improved. Efficiency and technique are closely related because principles of efficiency are quite similar to principles of technique.
Many activities have an optimal rate. Rates above and below that cost more energy. The mechanism behind that is stored muscle elasticity, which requires the shortest time between muscle relaxation and contraction to prevent the loss of energy as heat.
Good technique reduces the energy required for the pedal stroke, reduces energy lost as body heat, and retains more mechanical energy for the next pedal stroke. Strength goes up - functional-type strength.
Practice reinforces cycling technique, so it improves efficiency.
Consistent velocity
Consistent velocity also affects technique. Unintentionally accelerating or decelerating due to poor technique wastes energy. Obviously, holding a single cadence throughout a ride or a class isn't usually part of the workout plan.
But staying consistent for a specified duration - during one song or segment if you're indoors - is an important technical skill that can increase efficiency. Beatmatch (pedaling precisely to the musical beat) is an excellent training tool for developing consistency.
What else affects efficiency?
Efficiency may involve factors other than technique. For example, it may depend on the contractile properties of the muscle: slow-twitch is more efficient than fast-twitch. It may depend on training, which can increase strength and endurance by increasing muscle efficiency. Big-gear training, for example, can improve efficiency in fast-twitch fibers.
Other benefits of good technique
Doing something with correct technique feels good, probably because the body is being used the right way.
Correct technique also makes you look good on the bike. In my master's thesis, I compared the principles of technique and efficiency to principles of movement aesthetics. It turns out that what makes a movement correct and efficient is also what makes it beautiful.
So technique leads to efficiency, and that wastes less energy. The less we waste, the more energy is left for the demanding parts of the ride or the class when it really counts. And the better we look and feel cycling.
Who could argue with looking and feeling good while cycling, completing the ride successfully, and wanting to do it again?
My coach always said, "Endurance athletes don't mind expending energy, but they never want to waste it." Good cycling technique is the key.
Athletic training and/or indoor workouts are an important part of staying healthy. Nutrition is the other part. Nutrition coaching can help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. I can be your expert advisor, accountability partner, "bad cop", sounding board, and more. Let me help you change your eating and transform your health, your moods, your weight -- and stay that way. Please visit and check Services>Coaching.

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What Does Your Stool Say About You?

You can tell a lot about an individual's health by their stools. Things like knowing how many times they go to the bathroom daily and how much of the waste you are actually being able to eliminate with each evacuation is going to say a lot about your digestive system and how healthy it is.
There are more bacteria cells in the digestive system than you can find in the entire human body. Our system needs to be working properly in order to absorb the
nutrients and also get rid of the chemicals, germs and bacteria that can harm us. Perhaps most of us don't really care to put too much attention into this, but when you learn how to detect differences in your stools you will be able to determine if something is not working well inside your body. We are going to give you some important thing you should always consider important in regards to your health when you go to the bathroom.
The color:
If you are seeing black colored stools this is not something to take lightly. It could mean that there is bleeding inside your stomach or intestine. Some foods and medicine can also darken the stool color, but you should keep track of what you have consumed lately in order to discard a serious condition. If the stools look red this means that the bleeding is occurring closer to the anus and it should also be examined as fast as possible.
The color should be brown to indicate a completely healthy digestive system, but this is not the only thing to be on the lookout for. The shape of the stools is also a vital thing to consider.
The Shape:
If you see a change in the shape of your stools that remains like this for several days you should get checked out. A good example is when the stools are very narrow and slim. This might be an indication of an obstruction in your colon. If the stools are soft this can also be a problem and it could mean that your body is not being able to process the foods properly which means that too many nutrients and oils are being wasted too.
The smell:
There is obviously no such thing as stools that smell good, but you should be able to tell when the smell is normal and when it turns to something that is way more fetid than it should be. This could mean that there is a severe infection in your digestive system and it should not be taken lightly if it lasts more than one or two days.
There are certain foods that can also cause different smells in your stools but you should always get that checked out if it persists. Most infections will usually be gone in 48 hours but sometimes they can carry on and if left untreated they could become a serious problem.
This is probably the most common ailment that people suffer from when it comes to their digestive system. You need to have a proper diet and avoid junk food if you want to get rid of constipation and you will save yourself a lot of complications in the long run.
A very usual problem that is related to constipation is the appearance of haemorrhoids. They are not life threatening but they can become exceptionally uncomfortable and end up requiring surgery to remove them.
Exercise is also a good way to avoid constipation but there are also many medications that can create this problem for you, so always keep track of what you are eating and what kind of treatments you are taking.
This is also very common and it shouldn't be a cause for concern as long as it lasts no more than two days. The most usual cause is when bacteria enter the body and your digestive system gives out an alarm to your body to get rid of all the food that you have in your stomach. There are other complications that cause diarrhea such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.
Always take a look at your stool before flushing away.

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15 Ways to a Healthier and Happier You in 2015

It's just about 2015 and you are determined to start the year with a fresh new start towards becoming a healthier and happier person. Well you are not alone! I believe that in 2015 we can all experience more Health, Healing and Hope for ourselves and our families, but where do we begin because this is more than just a New Year's resolution? Health is a journey, a plan towards wellness that is intentional and a new way of life. Change is not easy, but it is doable one step at a time, one day at a time. Real health is about addressing our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing, because all three are connected and affect our physical health every day. So let's begin.
Here are 15 ways to get started TODAY for a Healthier and Happier you in 2015:
  1. Get a physical and get your hormone levels checked. So many cancers today are caused by an imbalance of hormones.
  2. Begin to eliminate junk food, sweets, soda, boxed foods as much as possible. There is so much research that says that these alone are causing many of our diseases and remember that cancer grows in sugar.
  3. Try to buy organic food and avoid all Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically modified seed. Much of the soy, corn, cotton and canola sold today are now from GMO seed.
  4. Start eating healthier: more fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seed and berries. Avoid all meats that have hormones, antibiotics, etc. Introduce coconut into your diet which gives the body needed ketones and helps with memory issues.
  5. Drink organic milk, coconut and almond milk, organic tea only. Teas are like spices, they have so many nutritional benefits for the body, but avoid regular teas with hidden pesticides.
  6. Drink filtered water with lemon to balance your body's pH level. Apple cider vinegar also balances the pH levels, but don't forget to add the cinnamon and honey!
  7. Exercise. This isn't necessarily always big workouts, rather daily walks, stretching, weights, bicycling, jump roping, etc.
  8. Detoxify. Consider a detox regime to rid your body of toxins and take fiber for daily elimination. Detoxing doesn't have to be difficult and it can bring the body back to health. Remember toxins brings disease.
  9. Take salt baths, get massages and maybe see the chiropractor. Some salts have over 83 minerals and can regulate close to 325 enzymes which helps the body detox and heal. Massages and chiropractic adjustments also allows the body to rid the body of toxins.
  10. Drink a smoothie everyday. Some of the things I put in mine are: organic fruits, vegetables, coconut milk, an omega 3 source, brewer's yeast (B vitamins), gelatin (collagen), and green powder with all kinds of adaptogens, herbs, plant enzymes, extracts and superfoods.
  11. Take a good multi vitamin if you are not consuming a green powder every day. Research says that most of us are not getting the required vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.
  12. Take a strong probiotic daily for the gut, especially if you have been on a lot of antibiotics or have yeast. Most diseases start in the gut and then proceed into the bloodstream to every organ. Probiotics build up the good bacteria.
  13. Cook with a lot of spices. Research indicates that spices can change blood pressure, blood sugar and heal some diseases.
  14. Get more sleep and try to reduce your stress. Meditation on God is a great way to bring your stress levels down.
  15. Lastly, start reading about health. Today's changes will determine tomorrow's health. It is NEVER too late to get started!
The easiest changes occur when we work one day at a time chipping away at what seems to be an incredibly large mountain in front of us. However, today's changes will make tomorrow a better day with a quality of life that is happier and brighter for each one that meets the challenge. If we take today's health a little more serious, hopefully tomorrow's pain will be a little less, doctor visits a bit fewer and a life more full to enjoy with those we love. Wishing you all a healthier and happier 2015!
Christina Hall is an educator, writer and speaker on all things health. If you would like to learn more about starting your own health journey in

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15 Ways to a Healthier and Happier You in 2015

It's just about 2015 and you are determined to start the year with a fresh new start towards becoming a healthier and happier person. Well you are not alone! I believe that in 2015 we can all experience more Health, Healing and Hope for ourselves and our families, but where do we begin because this is more than just a New Year's resolution? Health is a journey, a plan towards wellness that is intentional and a new way of life. Change is not easy, but it is doable one step at a time, one day at a time. Real health is about addressing our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing, because all three are connected and affect our physical health every day. So let's begin.
Here are 15 ways to get started TODAY for a Healthier and Happier you in 2015:
  1. Get a physical and get your hormone levels checked. So many cancers today are caused by an imbalance of hormones.
  2. Begin to eliminate junk food, sweets, soda, boxed foods as much as possible. There is so much research that says that these alone are causing many of our diseases and remember that cancer grows in sugar.
  3. Try to buy organic food and avoid all Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically modified seed. Much of the soy, corn, cotton and canola sold today are now from GMO seed.
  4. Start eating healthier: more fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seed and berries. Avoid all meats that have hormones, antibiotics, etc. Introduce coconut into your diet which gives the body needed ketones and helps with memory issues.
  5. Drink organic milk, coconut and almond milk, organic tea only. Teas are like spices, they have so many nutritional benefits for the body, but avoid regular teas with hidden pesticides.
  6. Drink filtered water with lemon to balance your body's pH level. Apple cider vinegar also balances the pH levels, but don't forget to add the cinnamon and honey!
  7. Exercise. This isn't necessarily always big workouts, rather daily walks, stretching, weights, bicycling, jump roping, etc.
  8. Detoxify. Consider a detox regime to rid your body of toxins and take fiber for daily elimination. Detoxing doesn't have to be difficult and it can bring the body back to health. Remember toxins brings disease.
  9. Take salt baths, get massages and maybe see the chiropractor. Some salts have over 83 minerals and can regulate close to 325 enzymes which helps the body detox and heal. Massages and chiropractic adjustments also allows the body to rid the body of toxins.
  10. Drink a smoothie everyday. Some of the things I put in mine are: organic fruits, vegetables, coconut milk, an omega 3 source, brewer's yeast (B vitamins), gelatin (collagen), and green powder with all kinds of adaptogens, herbs, plant enzymes, extracts and superfoods.
  11. Take a good multi vitamin if you are not consuming a green powder every day. Research says that most of us are not getting the required vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.
  12. Take a strong probiotic daily for the gut, especially if you have been on a lot of antibiotics or have yeast. Most diseases start in the gut and then proceed into the bloodstream to every organ. Probiotics build up the good bacteria.
  13. Cook with a lot of spices. Research indicates that spices can change blood pressure, blood sugar and heal some diseases.
  14. Get more sleep and try to reduce your stress. Meditation on God is a great way to bring your stress levels down.
  15. Lastly, start reading about health. Today's changes will determine tomorrow's health. It is NEVER too late to get started!
The easiest changes occur when we work one day at a time chipping away at what seems to be an incredibly large mountain in front of us. However, today's changes will make tomorrow a better day with a quality of life that is happier and brighter for each one that meets the challenge. If we take today's health a little more serious, hopefully tomorrow's pain will be a little less, doctor visits a bit fewer and a life more full to enjoy with those we love. Wishing you all a healthier and happier 2015!
Christina Hall is an educator, writer and speaker on all things health. If you would like to learn more about starting your own health journey in

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Making Changes in Your Lifestyle

In order to start changing our lives, we need to have motivation. We can do it because we are eager to look better during the summer. Or we can do it because we don't like the pale image that we see in the mirror and want to change something.
Getting a healthy and upbeat lifestyle is important when it comes to living a great life. This means more than simply reducing the daily intake of calories or choosing the stairs instead of the elevator. Having an improved lifestyle also means doing more physical activity, but also focusing on the spiritual and social development.
But what are the advantages brought up by a healthy life?
Let's start with a cheaper care, less injuries or illnesses, fewer visits to the doctor, preserving a job and the relations with the employer. But this is not all. A better lifestyle can also reduce tension, stress, extra weight, as well as improve the general well-being. It can better one's self-respect and reduce the risks of diseases, helping in pre-existing conditions like diabetes, asthma or hypertension.
It's not hard to have a healthy style of life. You just have to be motivated and to want to change the old habits into good ones. Further on, you can discover a list of great tips that can work for anyone:
  1. Understand that a long-lasting change needs time and commitment. This means that you will have to take your time and discover your inner resources that can help you have great results.
  2. In order to have a great and healthy lifestyle, you have to start eating healthier, since diet is essential in one's life. Eating permanent junk food or including alcohol into one's diet can really mess up the body.
  3. Exercising is just as important. Elevating your heart rate is an essential thing to do regularly. Combined with strength exercises, it can do wonders. Ordinary exercises like push-ups, pull-ups or squats can have great effects on the body. You can also join a gym if other types of exercises don't interest you.
  4. Give up at your nasty habits. Drinking, smoking or drugs can do a lot of damage to your body. You are the one who has to take care of your body, so try to eliminate all the things that harm your organism.
  5. Take Get time for yourself. Laugh often and loud. Stress can make you very depressed and can really kill you. It weakens the immune system and makes you look and feel sick. Take time to relax, go on vacations and take care of your soul.
  6. Start by creating a better lifestyle. If you really want to change, you have to make an effort. Lots of people need to understand that cleansing is an extremely important step in getting a better lifestyle. This means eliminating all toxins, modifying food habits and learning how to improve your life.

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Top 8 Tips to Achieve All Round Health and Wellness

Expert Author Japheth Kagolla
The body works under rules that govern it. Just like any machine, when the rules are broken, the body will break down before achieving its best. The eight tips or laws that govern health can be summarized in the acronym NEWSTART. These are Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in divine power.
Nutrition is the most observed and at the same time the most abused. Surveys have proven that the secret to longevity is subsistence on a vegan diet. The people of the Mediterranean regions and the Adventist of Loma Linda are among the longest living people in the world. Their diet is majorly plant-based and as wholesome as possible. Eating at least five portions of fruits per day with almost an equal number of vegetable portions keeps free radicals away from your body. Plants also have HDL lipids that are good for the body in contrast to animal LDL fats that are associated with most of the lifestyle degenerative diseases. Decomposers such as yeast and mushrooms take energy from the body rather than giving you energy.
Exercise comes next in hand. This is yet another law that has been broken especially by the rich and wealthy. Exercise involves doing workouts, farming, walking, swimming, bike riding among others. Mental exercise includes singing, humming, meditation, appreciation of nature and so on. We need to exercise so that we can develop lean muscles that are essential for doing work and also for increasing the rate of metabolism. Those who do not exercise regularly are less productive in both their sedentary and physical activities.
Water is a necessity of life. The body is over 70% of water. All the muscles, bones, nerves, cells... need water. The brain which is at the center of the central nervous system is also almost 90% of water. This means that when the body is deprived of water, the body functioning will be compromised. When the body is deprived of water there is thickening of blood. Blood carries oxygen to the whole body. If it is thickened, there is less supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the whole body. Metabolic wastes and carbon dioxide will also not be removed effectively from the cells. Such environment is very conducive for cancer and other diseases.
Sunshine is good for the mood. If someone is moody, take them out rather than confining them in doors. In addition, sunshine is rich in vitamin D. this is a vitamin that helps in the absorption of calcium into the bones hence healthy bones. Sunshine also kills some germs.
Temperance should be accompanied with everything. There are those who are eating the healthiest of foods but they eat too much of it. Overeating is a major cause of stomach upsets together with blood poisoning. In addition to this, when working, either mental work or physical work, never over do it.
Air is also good for the moods. It is necessary that we do some deep breathing on the natural environment where there are lots of plants. Air is also rich in oxygen which is an important fuel for our cells. The body cells need abundant oxygen for optimum functioning. If possible, you should live in the countryside rather than in the city because the former has cleaner air than the polluted air within the cities.
Rest is yet another law that has been broken by almost all adults. People are more concerned about making wealth rather than their wellbeing. We tend to overwork ourselves to make wealth that we will not enjoy later on because our lack of rest comes with its own cons. Lack of rest can lead to disease and even pre mature death. In addition, someone who gets enough rest is more productive than the person with little rest. Eight hours per day of sleeping together with a 45 minute afternoon nap are good enough for us.
Trust in divine power comes on the base. This is because if you follow all the laws above but fail in the last one, all the other seven may not work. Meditating on spiritual matters is medicine on its own. The creator knows our bodies well and that's why trusting our health to him is the wisest thing for us.
Japheth Kagolla is a trained medical health missionary. He is trai

Botox - The Friend With Many Guise

Botulinum toxin, the magical potion which makes you fairer, prettier and younger just by a small 'lethal' dose and in only a day or two's time. But like any magical potion the so called beautification wears off in 3-4 months, maximum 6 months if you are lucky. Quite the wonder as to why spend criminal amount of money on something as ephemeral as Botox. Well one might justify their desire to look beautiful, rather their right to look good. Of course everybody wants to look like a movie star and hear away compliments to glory.
But ever thought of the ramifications that Botox may or may not have on the body, both in the long term and short. Essentially Botox is anything but salubrious; it is one of the most lethal toxins known to man produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. If not administered properly it can cause life threatening illness or serious damages to the area of application. What Botox actually does is basically slow down the growth of tissues in the muscle applied- biological clock in slow motion.
In recent times Botox has found its application in cosmetic enhancements such as skin tightening, tummy tucking, lip enlargement, etc; the list goes on. All this is nothing but simply improving one's aesthetics just for the sake of peer appreciation and approval. People are going to the longest extent to look good, but sadly it is only temporary. You have to keep visiting your surgeon every 3-4 months to get a dose of the magic potion to keep looking good; and every visit is going to cost a large sum.
Where is the ethics in using Botox? Why would one want to alter nature's creation? We humans like to be in control, now we want to be in control of how we look or rather how we are perceived in the society we live in. Injecting yourself with a toxin just to look good, not giving any second thoughts to the fact that it can actually kill in very small amounts. The other problem with Botox is that it does not always work; the reaction varies from person to person. If gone wrong it results in awkwardly swollen lips or forehead and bright red rashes; and to say the least it is not appealing at all. If this is not unethical then I don't know what is.
Perhaps a new aphrodisiac- choose your own 'physical' look.

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The Benefits Of Strength And Conditioning Classes

Most of the time, individuals opt for training programmes in order to improve their physique. Training programmes also help individuals boost their performance. And, training programmes can also enhance over-all health. With all these benefits, individuals can improve their daily activities and future. However, in case that you are into athletic activities, simple training sessions cannot suffice your needs. So, the best way is to enroll in strength and conditioning classes.
Strength and conditioning classes offer effective sessions and courses that can improve your body. In addition, it also offers other benefits that can enhance your lifestyle. Listed below are some of the following.
Decreased body fat
Health experts state that these sessions can decrease body fat more effectively than aerobics. This is possible since strength and training sessions increase post caloric burn. With this training, you can also burn calories even if you are at rest.
Increased power production
These classes can help you combine strength, power and plyometric training, which can help improve the rate of force production. It can also help convert strength into power that is needed in order to lift heavy items or perhaps to improve performance in sports activities.
Increased speed
In case that you are a runner, enrolling in this class can also help you increase your speed. Strength and conditioning classes can help increase strength and flexibility. Therefore, runners can exert more force in every step as they run. In addition, combining this force with good running mechanics can provide you better speed that you need. These classes can also help improve your acceleration and multi-directional speed.
Reduced injuries
Individuals can also reduce injuries. This can be achieved since instructors can train you to use your body's prime movers. Instructors can also help identify and correct potential problems and improve basic movement patterns that are needed to avoid injuries. Strength and conditioning classes can also help individuals improve postural alignment and alleviating excessive joint stress.
Improved mood and confidence
Finally, these classes can also help improve your mood and confidence. Training sessions can help boost dopamine, serotonin, and nor epinephrine levels. These chemicals help improve mood and eliminate risk of depression. Individuals can also boost their confidence since they know that their body can accomplish any tasks easily and more efficiently.
With these benefits, individuals can enjoy a better body and lifestyle that can help them to ensure that they can make their future more appealing and exciting. Click here for more.
Functionaltraining is a website that offers effective and reliable strength and conditioning classes. The company also has skilled instructors who can provide you with the best solutions that can cater to your needs. To know more, check this site.
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Top 10 Reasons For Men to Use Weight Gainers

Are you able to attract your opposite gender? Do you have a persona to 'die' or 'kill' for? Do you want to make your ex-girlfriend repent on her decision of dumping you for her ex? Are you getting married few months down the line and wish to look your best in that killer classic tuxedo? Would you do anything to look like one of the celebrity grooms who know how to pose and thrill by their appearance? Can you take some efforts to enhance your appearance and make it more appealing for the crowd?
If you really want any of the above things to happen and make your dream physique a reality, it is time for you to know about weight gainers. No - we are not talking about those "allopathically-made things" that make you go through severe side effects or hormonal problems. We are talking about herbal supplements that are made from all those leaves and herbs that are available in the nature around you. Such things cause no negative effects in your body.
Following are the top ten reasons for you, as a man, to use weight gainers to increase your weight:
  1. If you believe in looks and want to have a better personality, you need to gain weight. When you increase your weight, your body mass increases as well. This body mass is the fat count that is then used to get muscles on the body.
  2. If your ex-girlfriend left you because you could not protect her when two guys tried to stalk her down, you have to depend upon the gainers to increase your body mass and get muscles by working out.
  3. If you are a gym freak and don't want to lose more weight, start consuming natural things to gain weight to get a better you!
  4. If you have a body builder idol in your mind and you want to reach up to his level, you need to go for weight gainers.
  5. If you want to have a bulky body and be appealing in the crowd, the gainers can help you with the same.
  6. Weight gaining supplements help all those who are underweight.
  7. If you feel weak and tired quickly due to your 'below-average' weight, you need natural gainers for yourself.
  8. If you want to impress the girl of your dreams, weight enhancing things can help you!
  9. If you are looking forward to be in the world of glamour, you have to build a good body for the same.
  10. Last, but not the least, if you are personally not happy with your body or physique, you need weight gaining supplements!

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Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet

The subject of 'nutrition' is highly interesting and stimulating, the vastness of the subject includes advanced knowledge and studies of the human body and its reactions to various foods, the assimilation process and the do's and don'ts of maintaining proper health through a proper lifestyle.
The key to a healthy lifestyle is very obviously a diet that is balanced in every way; one that suits an individual's metabolism and enhances energy, vitality and well-being. The term 'diet' generally refers to the amount of food consumed by an individual, human or animal; 'dietary habits' refer to the individual decisions and choices made by a person in choosing what food to eat. In specifics, diet also refers to a particular intake of nutritious food consciously chosen for health and weight management reasons, whether by the concerned individual or by practiced health experts. Therefore, a person's health, longevity and quality of life is reflected through dietary choices and preferences made with reference to geographical region, culture, ethnicity and availability of food choices.
A proper diet for humans requires ingestion, digestion and absorption of needed energy, minerals and vitamins from the types of foods chosen - carbohydrates, fats and proteins among them.
Weight Management is the area of nutrition where a diet is chosen or put together to help with weight gain or weight loss. To meet specific needs of nutrition, energy and well-being some foods are recommended while some may be avoided so as not to upset the equilibrium of the body and prevent imbalance. However specific a diet is, it has to be in conjunction with an exercise regimen or fitness program, even the most basic ones as walking, cycling, swimming or body workouts. But in spite of many advancements and researched studies, there are many diets and weight-loss programs that are harmful to the human body as they neglect to promote good health. This is because some diets are singularly focused on weight-loss and advise quick schemes and programs that may or may not guarantee weight-loss but cannot guarantee good health.
As we know, in the developed world, random and unhealthy food choices and habits mainly dictated by affluence have led to large populations suffering from ill-health, obesity and sicknesses. Yet, there is no one singular diet or nutrition program that can be called a healthy diet; moderation is the key to consumption and a diet that is well-rounded with healthy food choices and a minimum fitness schedule can work wonders for everyone.
If there is a need to draw up or follow a particular diet for health reasons, there are some important issues involved that will help in the long run; after all, a diet is followed to achieve some amount of success in attaining the end-results or goals.
The most important thing to remember about imposing dietary restrictions is not to aim to become unrealistically thin or by self deprivation of favorite foods. Rather it is about healthy eating, about feeling positive regarding the choices made, being more energetic and having a balanced mood or attitude always. There is no doubt a surplus of information that one can have about diets; no two are alike and there are several contradictions. However by working around foods that suit an individual and making a plan which is practical and wholesome, anybody can create a tasty and healthy diet that has a balanced mix of all nutrients without overdoing or under-doing any food element.
Following and maintaining a diet can be achieved if some simple rules are observed.
1. Make a practical measure of the success to be achieved
2. Moderation is Key
3. It's 'how' foods are consumed not 'what' foods are consumed
4. Have a colorful mix of natural foods - good portions of vegetables and fruits
5. Consume healthier options like whole grains, healthy carbohydrates and proteins

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Health: How Are You?

I am often surprised by how many people avoid being around others because they don't know how to answer the question "How Are You?" Some people who have been ill or on a medical leave really don't know how to respond to the question. They think that the other person might be judgmental, especially if they say that they have been suffering from depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Other people think that it is none of the other person's business and want to keep things private.
Following are some ideas about the question "How are you?":
1. This is likely just a greeting - When I was in England, a young man greeted me as I came out of the bathroom. He said "Are you alright?" I immediately thought that something was wrong with my appearance or that he thought I was in trouble. The boy's father saw my confusion and explained that his son meant "Hi". In Canada "How are you?" often is just a way to greet another person.
2. Others don't really care - Most people are so wrapped up in their own life that they aren't really interested in your answer to this question. Sometimes they aren't even listening!
3. Use honesty - Don't lie or used automatic "canned" answers like "Great" or "Fine" unless that is really true.
4. Develop short, practiced responses - When I am consulting with media I usually prepare one-liners that capture the message that I want to communicate. I teach clients to do the same thing regarding their health. For example, you might state "Not as good as I am going to be but better than I was". When others hear this, they usually accept it and move on to another topic.
5. Create a scale that professionals understand - Write the numbers "0" to "10" in a vertical line down the left-hand side of a paper. Then write a description of what your health would be like at each number with "0" being the worst situation and "10" being the best. Share the list with your physician, insurance worker or other professional. It will then be much easier to communicate with that person in the future by using a number rather than just words to describe how you are feeling.
6. Divert to another topic - One sentence can change everything. Perhaps you could say "Let's talk about your children" or "Enough about me. How are you doing?" Asking a good open question that doesn't have a "yes" or "no" answer can move the focus dramatically. (And remember, people tend to like to talk about themselves and their interests so you just need to get them started).
7. Practice enjoying life - If you are avoiding people or activities because you are afraid that someone will ask you about your health, then you are the one who is missing out! Practice the above and then head out determined to see how these techniques work like magic. You will feel better just knowing that you have conquered one more barrier to healthy living.

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0 Reasons for You to Gain Weight to Look Good!

If you think external beauty does not matter at all, why do you like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez and Kate Winslet? Aren't these celebrities good looking and charming? Don't their personalities attract you? Don't you love them from the core of your heart?
Beauty does matter. But what is this beauty? If you say it is something that comes as a gift, you're absolutely wrong. Beauty is something that lies in your hands. You can make yourself the way you really want to look. I have personally seen so many people who are not blessed with sharp and beautiful features, yet they manage to attract the crowd by their personalities.
Such people have one thing - a beautiful body! They surely know how to maintain themselves in order to win the hearts of all those who lay eyes upon them. Now you may think that this is about losing weight, but no, we are here to talk about gaining weight with the help of herbal medicines and supplements to look better. Following are the top 10 reasons that prove why gaining weight is so important to build your personality:
  1. If you are a man and you have a good body, women feel protected while walking along your side.
  2. Every man has a dream of having a beautiful girl in his life. Being a girl does not mean being skinny. Curviness attracts a lot of men!
  3. In today's world of glamour and beauty, being curvy is the new slogan!
  4. Herbal weight gainers make you gain sufficient weight, but do not make you obese! Having a healthy body is what we all desire to have!
  5. You may have heard this one - dogs go for bones; real men go for the meat!
  6. If you have been bullied by a lot of people all your life, it is time for you to bully them in return by gaining weight and being appealing!
  7. Who does not like being beautiful? If you want to be beautiful, you need to work on your body first!
  8. Weight gainers make you strong and strong bodies are loved by each of us!
  9. If you have a strong body, you don't have to be worried even if you walk alone on the streets at 1 at night.
  10. No matter what kind of clothes you wear, you always look good if you have a good and strong body! For an instance, look at how well maintained people look in tuxedoes!

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Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet

The subject of 'nutrition' is highly interesting and stimulating, the vastness of the subject includes advanced knowledge and studies of the human body and its reactions to various foods, the assimilation process and the do's and don'ts of maintaining proper health through a proper lifestyle.
The key to a healthy lifestyle is very obviously a diet that is balanced in every way; one that suits an individual's metabolism and enhances energy, vitality and well-being. The term 'diet' generally refers to the amount of food consumed by an individual, human or animal; 'dietary habits' refer to the individual decisions and choices made by a person in choosing what food to eat. In specifics, diet also refers to a particular intake of nutritious food consciously chosen for health and weight management reasons, whether by the concerned individual or by practiced health experts. Therefore, a person's health, longevity and quality of life is reflected through dietary choices and preferences made with reference to geographical region, culture, ethnicity and availability of food choices.
A proper diet for humans requires ingestion, digestion and absorption of needed energy, minerals and vitamins from the types of foods chosen - carbohydrates, fats and proteins among them.
Weight Management is the area of nutrition where a diet is chosen or put together to help with weight gain or weight loss. To meet specific needs of nutrition, energy and well-being some foods are recommended while some may be avoided so as not to upset the equilibrium of the body and prevent imbalance. However specific a diet is, it has to be in conjunction with an exercise regimen or fitness program, even the most basic ones as walking, cycling, swimming or body workouts. But in spite of many advancements and researched studies, there are many diets and weight-loss programs that are harmful to the human body as they neglect to promote good health. This is because some diets are singularly focused on weight-loss and advise quick schemes and programs that may or may not guarantee weight-loss but cannot guarantee good health.
As we know, in the developed world, random and unhealthy food choices and habits mainly dictated by affluence have led to large populations suffering from ill-health, obesity and sicknesses. Yet, there is no one singular diet or nutrition program that can be called a healthy diet; moderation is the key to consumption and a diet that is well-rounded with healthy food choices and a minimum fitness schedule can work wonders for everyone.
If there is a need to draw up or follow a particular diet for health reasons, there are some important issues involved that will help in the long run; after all, a diet is followed to achieve some amount of success in attaining the end-results or goals.
The most important thing to remember about imposing dietary restrictions is not to aim to become unrealistically thin or by self deprivation of favorite foods. Rather it is about healthy eating, about feeling positive regarding the choices made, being more energetic and having a balanced mood or attitude always. There is no doubt a surplus of information that one can have about diets; no two are alike and there are several contradictions. However by working around foods that suit an individual and making a plan which is practical and wholesome, anybody can create a tasty and healthy diet that has a balanced mix of all nutrients without overdoing or under-doing any food element.
Following and maintaining a diet can be achieved if some simple rules are observed.
1. Make a practical measure of the success to be achieved
2. Moderation is Key
3. It's 'how' foods are consumed not 'what' foods are consumed
4. Have a colorful mix of natural foods - good portions of vegetables and fruits
5. Consume healthier options like whole grains, healthy carbohydrates and proteins

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Health: How Are You?

I am often surprised by how many people avoid being around others because they don't know how to answer the question "How Are You?" Some people who have been ill or on a medical leave really don't know how to respond to the question. They think that the other person might be judgmental, especially if they say that they have been suffering from depression, anxiety or another mental illness. Other people think that it is none of the other person's business and want to keep things private.
Following are some ideas about the question "How are you?":
1. This is likely just a greeting - When I was in England, a young man greeted me as I came out of the bathroom. He said "Are you alright?" I immediately thought that something was wrong with my appearance or that he thought I was in trouble. The boy's father saw my confusion and explained that his son meant "Hi". In Canada "How are you?" often is just a way to greet another person.
2. Others don't really care - Most people are so wrapped up in their own life that they aren't really interested in your answer to this question. Sometimes they aren't even listening!
3. Use honesty - Don't lie or used automatic "canned" answers like "Great" or "Fine" unless that is really true.
4. Develop short, practiced responses - When I am consulting with media I usually prepare one-liners that capture the message that I want to communicate. I teach clients to do the same thing regarding their health. For example, you might state "Not as good as I am going to be but better than I was". When others hear this, they usually accept it and move on to another topic.
5. Create a scale that professionals understand - Write the numbers "0" to "10" in a vertical line down the left-hand side of a paper. Then write a description of what your health would be like at each number with "0" being the worst situation and "10" being the best. Share the list with your physician, insurance worker or other professional. It will then be much easier to communicate with that person in the future by using a number rather than just words to describe how you are feeling.
6. Divert to another topic - One sentence can change everything. Perhaps you could say "Let's talk about your children" or "Enough about me. How are you doing?" Asking a good open question that doesn't have a "yes" or "no" answer can move the focus dramatically. (And remember, people tend to like to talk about themselves and their interests so you just need to get them started).
7. Practice enjoying life - If you are avoiding people or activities because you are afraid that someone will ask you about your health, then you are the one who is missing out! Practice the above and then head out determined to see how these techniques work like magic. You will feel better just knowing that you have conquered one more barrier to healthy living.

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Top 10 Signals Showing You Need a Diet Break

ver the past several months I have continued to hear of, or be personally impacted by those who get dehydrated very easily. I am speaking primarily of elderly persons - but not exclusively... more on that in a moment.
I have to admit, it has had me in a bit of quandary wondering why this condition is so common in the elderly. My 93-year-old father recently fell and it was the result of dehydration. He was mentally confused and somehow became disoriented and fell. Thankfully, he was not badly hurt and no bones were broken - however, that is often not the case with others.
Last week I was musing with a friend of mine who is a massage therapist and Naturopath on this subject. She immediately had an answer for me... and an answer that made perfect sense.
If you have read many of my articles you know that I am a huge proponent for treating our largest organ, skin, with the utmost respect in regards to what we put on it. What I didn't realize was that this organ is also largely responsible for keeping us hydrated. When our skin is young and plump, it holds moisture very well. However, as we age, and our skin gets thinner, it is unable to hold adequate moisture to keep us properly hydrated for very long. Take my father as an example. He had come down with a head cold and therefore was in bed more and drinking less. His thin skin could not maintain the level of hydration necessary to keep his mind clear for as long as mine would have been able to... and mine would not be able to for as long as a twenty something's could. Are you getting the picture?
When we talk about staying hydrated it means different things to people of different ages. The sad/hard part is that older people don't want to drink as much because it is more difficult for them to maneuver trips to the bathroom - yet, these are the very ones who need to make certain they are getting the water they need.
I am not advocating water-logging the elderly, but I am saying that it is extremely important to drink as much water when you are elderly as you did when you were younger. Every chart of how much water is enough water I looked at, prior to writing this article, did not take age into consideration. One did say that an elderly person should drink as much water as a middle-aged adult. But remember, those charts generally base our water consumption needs on body weight and level of activity. The natural thought would be that if I am less active as I get older I need less water. That simply is not true. You and I, and every adult person whether middle-aged or elderly should be adjusting the amount of water we drink not based only on activity level - but also on our age. I am not a doctor and so I won't be dogmatic about this, but it only makes sense that as we age and our skin becomes thinner we should at least maintain the same amount of water we have always drank. The easy equation to follow for daily water requirements is "weight divided by two, divided by eight = number of cups of water needed". For me that equates to just over 8 cups per day. And, on the days I am very active I need a bit more than that or my body tells me about it.
Signs of dehydration are: extreme thirst
irritability or confusion
muscle cramps
sweet cravings
lack of urination and/or dark urine
Try this skin test from
First, use two fingers to grab a roll of skin on the back of your hand (between where your watch sits and where your fingers start). Pull the skin up about ½ to one centimeter high and then let the skin go. The skin should spring back to its normal position in less than a couple of seconds. If the skin bounces back slowly, you might be dehydrated.
Keeping skin as plump as possible for as long as possible is also ideal then, as you can see. Thinning skin is a natural part of aging but there are some things you can do to help slow the progression. Drinking products like Neocell's Beauty Infusion collagen drink mix may help maintain the elasticity of your skin. Stimulation of the skin also keeps the blood flowing and may be of help. You can stimulate the skin with dry skin brushing; a technique that has been used for a variety of health issues for many years. Check out this link for information on the benefits and how to do it:
I know someone reading this is saying, but I don't like water. Let me close by sharing some "water-enhancing" tips I give my cancer clients who often find water distasteful because of chemo drugs. Try adding one, or more, of the following to and 8 ounce glass of water.
1. 1 ounce unsweetened cranberry juice
It tastes great and is excellent for your bladder and kidneys
2. 2-3 drops of orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, and/or lime essential oils to 8 ounces of water
ONLY use food grade oils: Young Living, Doterra, or Rocky Mountain Oils
3. Make a pitcher of water to pour from all day and add fresh strawberries, cucumbers, lemon or lime slices to the water... let "steep" for at least one hour.
I just love cucumber water and find it extremely refreshing
A couple of final thoughts:
If you are a coffee drinker you need more water than non-coffee drinkers
... and, enjoy sugary soft drinks on rare occasions only.
There are enough things that we have no control over in life - but you can make a choice today to keep hydrated as well as possible.
Carin Hansen was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40. After a long battle she emerged victorious and began a one-on-one wardrobe and beauty consulting business for other women journeying through cancer. She has been a model, actress, talent agency owner, benefit founder, certified acting/modeling instructor, writer, speaker and passionate cancer advocate. Please visit Carin's website at for information and encouragement that is helpful and hopeFULL. You can purchase a hard copy of her book "A Woman's Cancer Journey Primer" or upload a free PDF on the website also. It is important to remember that Carin is not a physician and does not subscribe to or recommend any particular medical procedure or alternative treatment. She strongly urges you to consult with your Primary Physician, Oncologist and/or Surgeon before implementing any of her suggestions found in her articles, newsletter, blogs and books.

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The Sadness of Suicide

Although I did not know the young man personally, I felt a certain sadness about his suicide. Why had someone presumably in the prime of his life feel compelled to end his own life? It was a mystery, the answer to which may never be known. There will be speculation, and some clues will be available. The desperation and despair he felt was not evident to those around him, but he must have felt overwhelmed so much that he could take it no longer. The pain must have been unbearable for him.
This particular young adult male was married with seemingly a loving wife and healthy young children. He had a job and appeared to have a good life. He seemed to have faith and actively practiced his religion. His life had looked relatively easy and pleasant to others. Yet there were obviously big problems. His health and fitness were at stake without others knowing it.
The sadness of suicide affects many lives. The warning signs may be undetectable to loved ones who see the person everyday. Sometimes people do not talk about their problems and concerns, but they suffer in silence until they perform the unthinkable act of ending their life.
After the start of World War II when the United States was at war with Japan, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. This order gave authority to the military commander to remove any persons from designated areas. Japanese Americans and immigrants of Japanese descent who were guilty of no crime were forcibly removed from their West Coast homes. Most were incarcerated for several years in what are now known as "American concentration camps" where life was difficult. It was clearly a racist move against people who were ethnic Japanese.
Most of these people suffered the embarrassment, shame, and hardship of incarceration in the camps as best they could. Their lives had been disrupted. They had lost their homes and livelihood. They were treated as criminals. Their physical health and mental state were affected.
After the war ended, those incarcerated were sent on their way. Some tried to return to their old lives, but most people had lost everything. Those who took it hardest seemed to be the first generation immigrants from Japan who were the husbands and fathers of families. Although these men were not that old after the end of the war with most being in their fifties or forties, they felt discouraged and depressed with no means of providing for their families. Suicide became the way out for some men, which caused more devastation for those who remained.
The sadness of suicide was another of the casualties which resulted from the unjust incarceration of innocent people when the Constitution did not protect even citizens and legal resident immigrants of the United States.

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Factors That Increase the Risk of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are considered by many to be a sign of aging, but the truth is that the condition is a little more complex than that. Although the health risks that come from varicose veins are for the most part minor, they do create an unattractive appearance that many people want to treat or better yet avoid if at all possible.
What are Varicose Veins?
Essentially, this condition occurs when the veins have become enlarged and twisted just under the skin. For the most part they occur in the legs, but they can be found in other parts of the body as well. This condition occurs because of the leaflet valves in the veins which prevent the blood from flowing backwards against the pull of gravity lose their efficiency. In essence, a little blood starts backing up which causes the veins to enlarge and only make the problem worse.
Varicose veins may also become discolored by the blood which has flowed backwards to create a spider-web-like appearance. While mostly a cosmetic issue, they can become painful as well, especially when standing. Severe cases can cause the legs to swell up, the skin to thicken and ulcerate as well. Skin conditions such as eczema may occur. In a very few cases, the result of varicose veins may be life threatening, although that is usually reserved for deep vein thrombosis.
There are actually a number of factors that may contribute in having varicose veins. Many of these conditions may be avoided while others are predetermined.
Obesity: The pressure of the excess weight may play a strong role in the creation of this condition. By applying excessive pressure, the extra weight will definitely play a big role in putting pressure on the veins.
Family History: If your parent or grandparents had varicose veins, then chances are you'll develop them in your lifetime as well.
Age: The older you are, the more likely you are to develop this condition because age does cause wear on the valves of your veins where some of the blood will flow back and collect which causes the condition to occur.
Gender: Women are more likely than men to develop varicose veins. This is especially true in older women who have undergone hormonal changes such as pregnancy, pre-menstruation or menopause. Taking estrogen will tend to relax the walls of the veins as well, so hormone replacement therapy or using birth control will increase your risk.
Standing or Sitting for Long Periods: Because your blood does not flow as well if you are standing or sitting for long periods of time, it can collect in the veins rather than proceed to the heart which causes this condition to occur.
Varicose Vein Treatment
Obviously, the best treatment is to avoid varicose veins by exercising the legs, keeping your weight down and avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time.
However, general treatment to avoid them usually starts with elevating the legs when possible to allow the blood to flow back into the heart. Plus, compression stockings have also proven to be a good way to prevent the condition as well. If the veins themselves are already damaged, surgery may be required to treat them accordingly.
Overall, by keeping your weight down and activity level up, you may be able to avoid varicose veins.

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Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

For the past four months, I have been on a low carb diet. It is my attempt to beat diabetes without taking medication. I studied many of the popular diets such as Atkins, Paleo, South Beach, and DASH, but have pretty much developed my own. My diet is demanding, allowing no grains (wheat, oatmeal, rice, corn, or any breads), and of course, nothing that could be classified as a sweet.
I eat a lot of vegetables, eggs, nuts, small amounts of certain types of fruits, seeds, and meager amounts of dairy. I seldom eat beef or ham - and certainly no bacon - but I do eat lean meats like chicken, pork, and turkey, and seafood. However, I recognize that even if I am able to stabilize my sugar, I am still a diabetic, and will have to be careful for the rest of my life. The days of eating a liter of Rocky Road ice cream after my football team loses are over. Nevertheless, even if the day comes when I do need medication to control my sugar, I intend to remain on this diet. The reasons are many fold.
I did not anticipate the best part of this diet. For years, I complained that although I was middle-aged, my joints made me feel like an old man. While many men my age overuse cologne, I smelled more like pain relieving menthol. A "chick-magnet" it ain't. That was before the low carb diet. I feel far less body pain than I have felt in years. The aches and pains that I accepted as part of aging are virtually gone. I pushed away the sugars and grains, and the chronic "body pain" went with them. I feel better, younger, and healthier, as if I went back in time fifteen to twenty years. Now, if I could only reverse my gray hair.
I was borderline high blood pressure, or prehypertension, when I began this diet. Since then, my blood pressure has dropped into the normal range - even when my team suffers another brutal loss on the football field.
And what happened to my acid reflux? For the past decade, I have been popping prescription and over the counter meds for the pain associated with this disease. However, it was not until this diet that I found relief. I purchased a new bottle of pills just before I started this diet, and four months later, it remains unopened.
I also assumed that when I gave up sweets, my cravings for them would just be unbearable. And it was - but only for a short time. I went "cold turkey" and gave away my chips, rice cakes, chocolates, and other sweets I had. But very quickly, I did not miss them. Alright, the exception is chocolate. I still hear those candy bars calling my name when I pass by - but not walk down - the snack aisle. Perhaps it is only a matter of time before I pay my delicious little friends a visit.
My allergies also appear to be improving, and my mind seems a bit sharper. However, it will take more time to determine their progress.
My diet today is more diverse than ever. I still do not know if I will ever have normal blood sugar. However, I did learn that my long-term health is more important than the immediate pleasure provided by a king-size chocolate bar. My low carb diet lowered my blood pressure, significantly improved my chronic joint pain and acid reflux, and gave me a body that feels a decade younger. Significantly, I achieved these health improvements without medication. Now if I could only find a diet that gets my football teams to start winning.
I invite you to visit my website, The Soup of Life. Each week I add another column where I give my thoughts on culture, politics, religion, health, science, and life.
Pondering the questions and possibilities of life continues to be my lifelong passion. And, I am never done learning. I am looking forward to your thoughts and comments.

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Four Characteristics to Look for in a Quality Hospital

You might not get a second chance with your health. For this reason, the hospital you choose needs to be effective and efficient, delivering cutting-edge technology with compassion. Learn what to look for as you explore various healthcare organizations.
1. Clinical Expertise
The healthcare services provided by a hospital are closely related to the expertise and skills of its clinicians. The physicians practicing at an institution represent it by providing the hands-on care patients need. Every physician has an individual record of practice, including information on past procedures and any complications or mortality rates. An institution will develop an overall rating as a facility based on the ratings of the clinicians that practice there.
Consider the level of difficulty and the diversity of procedures performed at a facility as well. An institution that does not perform complicated and cutting-edge procedures may have a lower mortality rating than another one that does perform sophisticated procedures. This seeming disparity may simply be due to one organization's performance of risky procedures and another facility's avoidance of them.
2. Maintenance and Upkeep
A clinical facility must receive stellar maintenance and upkeep. The environment both inside and outside of the organization must be neat, clean, and in good repair. Lighting should be flawless, rooms must be impeccably clean, common areas should be maintained, and all facilities located within the organization should be managed properly. Check the waiting rooms, the cafeteria, and the hallways. Carpeting, flooring, furniture, and other basics of the surroundings should be of adequate quality. Operating suites and other patient-care facilities must be safe, clean, and technologically sound.
3. Quality Medical Staff
You can learn important details about a hospital by its learning about its staff. The people working in the facility should be neat, clean, professional, courteous, and personable with patients. During interactions between staff and patients, the staff should instill confidence and gain patient trust. The staff should demonstrate skills, expertise, and thorough knowledge within their specific fields of medicine. Observation of communication between clinicians and staff should show professionalism and respect, demonstrating that they work as a unified team to serve patients.
4. Administrative Management
The administrative team of a hospital has a wide and varied job and must manage and support workers while providing the best care. Administration is in charge of what supplies a facility purchases, what technologies it utilizes, the training provided to workers, and the overall environment of the organization. Administration also makes final decisions about the research conducted by physicians. Finally, administration oversees insurance policies and billing procedures to ensure that patients receive correct bills and that insurance companies are billed as necessary. The administration of a healthcare organization has the responsibility of ensuring that the facility operates cohesively and efficiently.
With an eye for detail, you can examine and analyze a hospital to ensure that the standard of care you observe is adequate for you or your family member.

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