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eBook downloading sites allow book lovers to their choice books on romance in an electronic format with their handheld devices.
The contemporary romance is a subgenre of the romance category that largely focuses on the relationship and romantic love shared by two people. The books available in this category reward good, punish bad characters, and ends with an upbeat, positive conclusion. "The Bronze Horseman," "The Longest Ride," "Fifty Shades Trilogy," "Thoughtless," "Crazy Little Thing," "Me Before You," "Blue-Eyed Devil" and "Beautiful Disaster" are some of the top rated books in the contemporary romance genre available in market.
Historical romance is also a subgenre of the Romance category and the books available under this category include the common elements of romance depicted by the love and relationship between two people, their struggle to overcome insurmountable obstacles, and their happy or tragic end of their stories. "The Scarlet Letter," "Great Expectations," "Vendetta," " Family Pride," "The Great Gatsby," "Jane Eyre," "The Glassblower," "Highland Surrender," "Pegasus," "Outlander," and "Oak Trees with Pink Leaves" are some of the renowned historical romance books that are best-selling. Book lovers can easily read any of them anytime, anywhere by downloading them from the popular eBook downloading sites using e-book reading devices such as Kindles or Nooks.
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