Thursday, September 17, 2015

How to Write Your First eBook

Sure, blogs are a great way to share your thoughts and ideas. But let's face it, they're far too personal, lose steam, get sidetracked and require constant monitoring. A book is much more substantial and marks you as a "serious writer."
Always dreamed of seeing your name in print below the title of a book you've written?
Many an aspiring writer has found that going to a regular publisher, waiting for the manuscript to be approved, going through painful edits, getting your book out on the shelves and finally facing the heartbreak that it's not being marketed properly can indeed be a painful experience. The eBook format cuts through most of this slack and gets your book straight to your target audience.
Today, people are discovering that they have the talent and the knowledge to write something that others would be glad to purchase, read and share. Whether you're a creative writer or you have advice to give, you have domain expertise that you'd be glad to pass down or you'd simply like your voice to be heard, an eBook is your best bet.
Writing an eBook or Electronic Book isn't very different from writing a conventional one. Only the medium of publication is different. Self-publishing and selling copies on-line are effective, labor saving and economical processes. It's a great way to monetize your work. You get noticed, your work sells, you get invited to conventions and conferences and you can finally call yourself an Author!
Some of the key factors to keep in mind are:
• Choose your idea wisely. Especially when you're writing non-fiction. Don't just swim with the tide and pick ideas because they're hot or trending. This is true of many authors who offer sign-up incentives with their eBooks. The topic may be great to entice readers, but unless it's written with expertise and originality, you're going to disappoint your readers. So select a topic that you're comfortable with and know something about; otherwise you're setting yourself up for mountains of research!
• Do a mini-survey to scope out your target audience. Ensure that your eBook reaches the right people. So use the right type of language, format and themes.
• Review, review! Don't assume that your first draft is your last. You need to be rigorous, ruthless and practical about editing and proof-reading. Less is More is a great maxim to keep in mind.
• An eye-catching cover design can make your book look interesting.
• Select the right eBook publisher. Some websites offer publishing services packages that include editing, formatting, publishing and marketing. However, watch out for hidden costs. Refuse publishers who won't let you set your own price.
• Use the right software. Since readers use a variety of devices, make sure you have compatibility across multiple platforms.
• Do some of your own marketing. Many packages offer comprehensive marketing services, but promote your own book as much as possible and provide back-links on your blog.

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