Saturday, September 26, 2015

Want To Know What The Catch Is?

We all know the old expression the only guarantees in life are taxes and death, and if I may add another one being there is always a catch!! No adult should ever be naive enough in this world to think that any business deal or personal relationship comes without conditions. Especially as a consumer learning how to protect yourself, and that extends into all aspects of your life. Being book smart is great, but having those street smarts are equally important.
There is no company in North America that can stay in business without being profitable, and knowing how to protect themselves legally. They are experts at marketing making appealing deals attracting you to such things as free items, warranties, and sealing the deal with an agreement. Understanding the game eliminates the pain, they all come with conditions, and companies count on many consumers for going them for a great deal. Cellphone companies are amazing when it comes to this, get a free phone with just a few year contract. There are so many people more excited to get the latest device for free than actually reading and understanding the agreement. Then maybe somewhere down the road the customer wants to cancel, but in doing so according to their agreement it will cost hundreds of dollars. Perhaps they did not read the overage or roaming pricing clause calling complaining about their bill.
There is always a catch, do you sincerely believe any car company could have longevity giving an extended warranty without conditions? Sharp consumers understand the hitches before assuming they are totally covered. Maybe some companies have clauses in the agreement that if you don't change your oil every 5000 miles with proof it is null and void. Others could be the parts are covered but you pay the labor, or only valid to a certain amount of miles. Whatever they might be it is our responsibilities to understand the conditions before committing putting our John Henry on the dotted line. In a car dealership the business manager is the wolf in sheep's clothing. They do your financing, but make their living trying to scare consumers into extended warranties, and when they are finished with many inexperienced consumers they just sign without reading the contract. The reason is they are worried something could happen thanks to the business manager, and he/she was so smooth they trusted he/she is helping them. There is nothing illegal about what they're doing, and sucker is born every minute.
Do you truly believe that any business will provide you something free without catch? Companies are skilled at making you think you're a winner. Some of those marketing campaigns might be buying a certain dollar amount then receiving an item free. Just sign-up and get a gift, the reason is they now have your information sending offers betting a percentage of people will buy, and they are able to write the gift off as advertising and promotions. How about we will give you this item for a ridiculously low price, all you pay is shipping and handling. The handling is where they make their money, but consumers are just happy they paid so low for the product.
I am not implying we should not take advantage of some of these deals, but the important part is knowing what you're getting into in advance making educated decisions. If you are taking a strangers word as the gospel, not reading the agreement understanding all the conditions, asking for more clarity if you do not comprehend, then afterwards you need take ownership learning your lesson. Blaming companies for your short comings is a cope out!! There is nothing in life that doesn't come without catches jobs, relationships, and as consumer purchasing products or services. I believe the quicker someone recognizes that people and businesses have their own agendas, they can protect their interests better!

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