Monday, September 14, 2015

5 Trends In Health Care Advertising You Need to Know About

As businesses and consumers become more and more connected online, it's important for advertisers to change with the trends and work to reach the market in ways that will work online. Health care advertising trends in particular are changing quickly. With these 5 simple and easy to remember tips, even a business new to advertising can optimize ads. When it's time to begin creating your health care ads, keep these 5 handy trends in mind.
1. After customer profiling, segment your targets
No one can doubt the amazing benefits of customer profiling. It helps advertisers gain a deeper understanding of a health care company's customers, clients, and consumers, making communication easier than ever. Segmenting your targeted clients is an even better way to really get the right messages across to the right customers. Segmenting target audiences is one of the best ways to ensure that ads go as far as they can while saving money.
2. After segmenting your target audiences, assign an objective to each customer segment
Perhaps one segment of your target audience is perfect for upselling or cross selling, or perhaps one segment prefers ads with a little more humor. Each segment is different, so each of your audience segments should have a different objective, which in turn will influence the way you communicate and market to each. When it comes to health care advertising, pay attention to the demographics of your audiences so that you're assigning objectives that are realistic.
3. Keep in mind that photos work better than illustrations sometimes
Photos for health care advertising don't have to be so cliché. Smiling doctors, nurses, and patients (although at times appropriate) aren't always necessary. Adding a little humor, creativity, or light-heartedness to your photos can be a winning choice. The important thing is that you create ads that tell a story and connect with the target audience rather than hand out boring facts.
4. Create amazing content that educates and entertains
Dull content and copy are always going to lose when up against content that informs and entertains. This is especially true in regards to health care advertising. Clients want to feel as if they learned something worthwhile, and the only way to get them to read further than the first sentence is to make sure that the content is engaging. Sometimes this may call for a professional who understands exactly what clients will consider fun and informative.
5. Consider creating video ads
Video ads allow even more room to tell a compelling story over a static photo. When creating video ads the same rules apply, but it's important to ensure that the production is of high value. A sloppy or cheaply done video ad might actually have adverse effects. Consider what is right for your company. Sometimes hiring professionals to create the perfect video ad is a great way to go to get an ad that is bound to be a hit.

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