Monday, May 27, 2013

Infants 6 months to 12 months - Miles Story - Many of you who have seen the video segment

Miles Story - Many of you who have seen the video segment on YOUTUBE or various blogs on the internet, have asked about the 11 month baby who, along with his father and the family dog, are in the videoclip. The baby had 3 weeks of ISR lessons prior to having his simulated self rescue while fully clothed skills videotaped. It is a re-enacted drowning scenario that happened to a family whose baby was not skilled and therefore drowned. In the scene we taped, both his mother and father were present at the taping along with several other adults and his ISR Instructor. As part of ISR lessons, parents are involved in the water once their baby is skilled, for at-home practice only and you see that they have practiced at home the end of the clip, when his father picks him up.

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