Washing a dry-clean-only garment can be done using a product called
Dryel, which is used in the dryer, or by hand washing the garment in a
basin of mildly hot water. Wash a dry-clean-only garment at home with
advice from an experienced mother in this free video on laundry.
Expert: Erica
Bio: Erica has been doing Laundry for more than 10 years. She has a family and does the laundry for all of them.
Filmmaker: Michael Burton
Series Description: Laundry can sometimes be an art when dealing with specialty fabrics, such as cashmere, silk and wool. Wash clothes well without ruining them with this free video series on laundry.
Expert: Erica
Bio: Erica has been doing Laundry for more than 10 years. She has a family and does the laundry for all of them.
Filmmaker: Michael Burton
Series Description: Laundry can sometimes be an art when dealing with specialty fabrics, such as cashmere, silk and wool. Wash clothes well without ruining them with this free video series on laundry.