The body works under rules that govern it. Just like any machine,
when the rules are broken, the body will break down before achieving
its best. The eight tips or laws that govern health can be summarized in
the acronym NEWSTART. These are Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine,
Temperance, Air, Rest and Trust in divine power.
Nutrition is the most observed and at the same time the most abused. Surveys have proven that the secret to longevity is subsistence on a vegan diet. The people of the Mediterranean regions and the Adventist of Loma Linda are among the longest living people in the world. Their diet is majorly plant-based and as wholesome as possible. Eating at least five portions of fruits per day with almost an equal number of vegetable portions keeps free radicals away from your body. Plants also have HDL lipids that are good for the body in contrast to animal LDL fats that are associated with most of the lifestyle degenerative diseases. Decomposers such as yeast and mushrooms take energy from the body rather than giving you energy.
Exercise comes next in hand. This is yet another law that has been broken especially by the rich and wealthy. Exercise involves doing workouts, farming, walking, swimming, bike riding among others. Mental exercise includes singing, humming, meditation, appreciation of nature and so on. We need to exercise so that we can develop lean muscles that are essential for doing work and also for increasing the rate of metabolism. Those who do not exercise regularly are less productive in both their sedentary and physical activities.
Water is a necessity of life. The body is over 70% of water. All the muscles, bones, nerves, cells... need water. The brain which is at the center of the central nervous system is also almost 90% of water. This means that when the body is deprived of water, the body functioning will be compromised. When the body is deprived of water there is thickening of blood. Blood carries oxygen to the whole body. If it is thickened, there is less supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the whole body. Metabolic wastes and carbon dioxide will also not be removed effectively from the cells. Such environment is very conducive for cancer and other diseases.
Sunshine is good for the mood. If someone is moody, take them out rather than confining them in doors. In addition, sunshine is rich in vitamin D. this is a vitamin that helps in the absorption of calcium into the bones hence healthy bones. Sunshine also kills some germs.
Temperance should be accompanied with everything. There are those who are eating the healthiest of foods but they eat too much of it. Overeating is a major cause of stomach upsets together with blood poisoning. In addition to this, when working, either mental work or physical work, never over do it.
Air is also good for the moods. It is necessary that we do some deep breathing on the natural environment where there are lots of plants. Air is also rich in oxygen which is an important fuel for our cells. The body cells need abundant oxygen for optimum functioning. If possible, you should live in the countryside rather than in the city because the former has cleaner air than the polluted air within the cities.
Rest is yet another law that has been broken by almost all adults. People are more concerned about making wealth rather than their wellbeing. We tend to overwork ourselves to make wealth that we will not enjoy later on because our lack of rest comes with its own cons. Lack of rest can lead to disease and even pre mature death. In addition, someone who gets enough rest is more productive than the person with little rest. Eight hours per day of sleeping together with a 45 minute afternoon nap are good enough for us.
Trust in divine power comes on the base. This is because if you follow all the laws above but fail in the last one, all the other seven may not work. Meditating on spiritual matters is medicine on its own. The creator knows our bodies well and that's why trusting our health to him is the wisest thing for us.
Nutrition is the most observed and at the same time the most abused. Surveys have proven that the secret to longevity is subsistence on a vegan diet. The people of the Mediterranean regions and the Adventist of Loma Linda are among the longest living people in the world. Their diet is majorly plant-based and as wholesome as possible. Eating at least five portions of fruits per day with almost an equal number of vegetable portions keeps free radicals away from your body. Plants also have HDL lipids that are good for the body in contrast to animal LDL fats that are associated with most of the lifestyle degenerative diseases. Decomposers such as yeast and mushrooms take energy from the body rather than giving you energy.
Exercise comes next in hand. This is yet another law that has been broken especially by the rich and wealthy. Exercise involves doing workouts, farming, walking, swimming, bike riding among others. Mental exercise includes singing, humming, meditation, appreciation of nature and so on. We need to exercise so that we can develop lean muscles that are essential for doing work and also for increasing the rate of metabolism. Those who do not exercise regularly are less productive in both their sedentary and physical activities.
Water is a necessity of life. The body is over 70% of water. All the muscles, bones, nerves, cells... need water. The brain which is at the center of the central nervous system is also almost 90% of water. This means that when the body is deprived of water, the body functioning will be compromised. When the body is deprived of water there is thickening of blood. Blood carries oxygen to the whole body. If it is thickened, there is less supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the whole body. Metabolic wastes and carbon dioxide will also not be removed effectively from the cells. Such environment is very conducive for cancer and other diseases.
Sunshine is good for the mood. If someone is moody, take them out rather than confining them in doors. In addition, sunshine is rich in vitamin D. this is a vitamin that helps in the absorption of calcium into the bones hence healthy bones. Sunshine also kills some germs.
Temperance should be accompanied with everything. There are those who are eating the healthiest of foods but they eat too much of it. Overeating is a major cause of stomach upsets together with blood poisoning. In addition to this, when working, either mental work or physical work, never over do it.
Air is also good for the moods. It is necessary that we do some deep breathing on the natural environment where there are lots of plants. Air is also rich in oxygen which is an important fuel for our cells. The body cells need abundant oxygen for optimum functioning. If possible, you should live in the countryside rather than in the city because the former has cleaner air than the polluted air within the cities.
Rest is yet another law that has been broken by almost all adults. People are more concerned about making wealth rather than their wellbeing. We tend to overwork ourselves to make wealth that we will not enjoy later on because our lack of rest comes with its own cons. Lack of rest can lead to disease and even pre mature death. In addition, someone who gets enough rest is more productive than the person with little rest. Eight hours per day of sleeping together with a 45 minute afternoon nap are good enough for us.
Trust in divine power comes on the base. This is because if you follow all the laws above but fail in the last one, all the other seven may not work. Meditating on spiritual matters is medicine on its own. The creator knows our bodies well and that's why trusting our health to him is the wisest thing for us.
Japheth Kagolla is a trained medical health missionary. He is trai