Mystery Shoppers can make more money when they can qualify for
shops based on their unique characteristics or skills. A shop at
Cellular Phone and Service Shop pays $50 for thirty minutes of your
time. You must have a FICO score of 720 or greater to complete this
shop. Plus there is a risk of not being able to return the iPhone to the
This shop sounded great because of the pay and close proximity of the shop. The mystery shopper made a request for the shop and it was approved by the mystery shopping company. She hesitated at first because there was a risk involved. She did not need any more monthly bills. It was difficult enough living off the income of a beginning shopper. Her hesitation started to ease as she read the company's instruction to perform the shop. It was a prompted sale's shop. She could verify the return policy before she actually leased the phone. The instructions also read do not open the box.
The mystery shopper entered the shop and she was greeted by a sales associate named Ashlee. She had great product knowledge and was enthusiastic about selling great products. A qualified shopper for this shop had to receive credit approval. If her credit score was poor she would not able to do the shop. Luckily for her,she had a great credit score.
The sales process proceeded and the mystery shopper selected a tablet and the latest version of iPhones available. Now on to the next test would she be able to return the iPhone within two days and terminate the lease. The guidelines stated to ask questions to make sure this could happen successfully. This mystery shopper was a smart lady and she asked the questions.
1. Would I be charged a restocking fee of 35 if I never opened the boxes
2. How many days do I have to return the purchases?
The mystery shopper grabbed the bag with the tablet and iPhone. She placed the bag in her truck to have less chance of it being stolen. When she arrived home, she uploaded a copy of the receipt and the purchase (lease agreement) to the mystery shopping company's web site.
The mystery shopper's next goal would be to return the iPhone and tablet to the shop and receive a return receipt. Her first attempt was unsuccessful. The salesman said he did not know how to make a return. And the other man said I would be responsible for $110 restocking fee. She took her bag home with her again.
The next day she entered the cell phone shop with more determination to return the phone. She succeeded. She received her return receipt to upload onto the mystery shopping web site. The editor received and evaluated her report. She received a 10 for following the instructions well. Now she will receive her payment on the fifteenth of the month via her PayPal account.
This shop sounded great because of the pay and close proximity of the shop. The mystery shopper made a request for the shop and it was approved by the mystery shopping company. She hesitated at first because there was a risk involved. She did not need any more monthly bills. It was difficult enough living off the income of a beginning shopper. Her hesitation started to ease as she read the company's instruction to perform the shop. It was a prompted sale's shop. She could verify the return policy before she actually leased the phone. The instructions also read do not open the box.
The mystery shopper entered the shop and she was greeted by a sales associate named Ashlee. She had great product knowledge and was enthusiastic about selling great products. A qualified shopper for this shop had to receive credit approval. If her credit score was poor she would not able to do the shop. Luckily for her,she had a great credit score.
The sales process proceeded and the mystery shopper selected a tablet and the latest version of iPhones available. Now on to the next test would she be able to return the iPhone within two days and terminate the lease. The guidelines stated to ask questions to make sure this could happen successfully. This mystery shopper was a smart lady and she asked the questions.
1. Would I be charged a restocking fee of 35 if I never opened the boxes
2. How many days do I have to return the purchases?
The mystery shopper grabbed the bag with the tablet and iPhone. She placed the bag in her truck to have less chance of it being stolen. When she arrived home, she uploaded a copy of the receipt and the purchase (lease agreement) to the mystery shopping company's web site.
The mystery shopper's next goal would be to return the iPhone and tablet to the shop and receive a return receipt. Her first attempt was unsuccessful. The salesman said he did not know how to make a return. And the other man said I would be responsible for $110 restocking fee. She took her bag home with her again.
The next day she entered the cell phone shop with more determination to return the phone. She succeeded. She received her return receipt to upload onto the mystery shopping web site. The editor received and evaluated her report. She received a 10 for following the instructions well. Now she will receive her payment on the fifteenth of the month via her PayPal account.