Your job is getting a great job. YOU want the job that YOU want. You
want a job that you choose. You do not want to take a job that someone
chooses for you.
Think about what average people face a tough time getting a job -- NOT my students but average people settle for average jobs or worse than average jobs
If it's a good job posted on or Craigslist or pinned up on some bulletin board --
an AVERAGE candidate might be competing against hundreds of other AVERAGE candidates for that job
For AVERAGE candidates -- looking for a job becomes a CRAP shoot
Emphasis on the word CRAP - crappy jobs
Let me share a sad but typical story with you
Last year, a 21 year old "ADULT CHILD" I know was 2 months from graduating from college --
I asked him what he was going to do when he graduated - in other words could he get any job
He looked at me with a dumb expression --
I'll guess I'll have to see What's Up after I graduate
He said, "You know there aren't many jobs"
And, I'm thinking
AFTER you graduate you'll start looking for a job?
Isn't the point of college to prepare you for a job --
You take courses L-E-A-D-I-N-G to a job
Are you surprised that
A year later -- this ADULT CHILD is still looking for a job, any job
What was his major?
His major -- sports management
What the hell is sports management? Is this any job?
Do you know that 5 years after college MORE than half of all college graduates are NOT working in their major fields of study
Follow me here
Your education should lead you to a job, any job but hopefully a good job, a good job or your choosing
Then -- you aren't some poor jobless slug -- you will have the job that you want
not going to job fairs --
filling out hundreds of job applications for which you have no shot of getting any job --
sitting at home waiting for unemployment checks without any job--
sponging off Mom and Dad without any job
Back to that word CRAP which is now a CRAP life
As an Action Principles Champion, here is how you get the job you want
Very simply -- cover your own ass
take courses that are as job specific as possible
Everything about getting the job YOU want is about NETWORKING for the job
Networking -- Networking is the key to get any job
Some professors are USELESS to you in finding a job
They are ivory tower nitwits and clueless
However, some professors are directly or indirectly working in their fields of study and where you are looking for a job
Many of these are Adjunct Professors teaching at night
Let THESE professors with REAL life experience and connections be your mentors - you don't want any job - you want the job that these professors can find for you
Be their best student and
then let them WANT to help you get internships and part-time work in their -- YOUR -- chosen job - not any job - your chosen job
YES you heard me
Even while you are going to school -- WORK in the field, the job -- get known as a valuable employee -- an asset at that job
If you want to work for Ford or Microsoft -- find people who are ALREADY working for Ford or Microsoft and ask them to help you get an INSIDE track --
Be willing to start at the bottom -- bring coffee, sweep floors -- whatever -- get in the company --
find the power players and work your ass off
Most job seekers and most workers are scared little sheep being led around --
This is NOT you
You are an Action Principles Champion
Beg if necessary -- promise everything for any job
Get your foot in on the ground floor and work your ass off at any job
With your strong work ethic and your attitude you will star at any job
Get a job -- any job to start
Even jobs at Wal-Mart are NOT crappy jobs - any job is a good job to get known and advance
Watch my Real Estate Millionaire Tip series and learn how how Every -- NOT some --
EVERY low level Wal-Mart employee can become a multi-millionaire
Get your butt to Wal-Mart?
Yes, start working -- making money and investing
And, Of course, watch my Million Dollar Career Tip series
How to Get Any Job
Think about what average people face a tough time getting a job -- NOT my students but average people settle for average jobs or worse than average jobs
If it's a good job posted on or Craigslist or pinned up on some bulletin board --
an AVERAGE candidate might be competing against hundreds of other AVERAGE candidates for that job
For AVERAGE candidates -- looking for a job becomes a CRAP shoot
Emphasis on the word CRAP - crappy jobs
Let me share a sad but typical story with you
Last year, a 21 year old "ADULT CHILD" I know was 2 months from graduating from college --
I asked him what he was going to do when he graduated - in other words could he get any job
He looked at me with a dumb expression --
I'll guess I'll have to see What's Up after I graduate
He said, "You know there aren't many jobs"
And, I'm thinking
AFTER you graduate you'll start looking for a job?
Isn't the point of college to prepare you for a job --
You take courses L-E-A-D-I-N-G to a job
Are you surprised that
A year later -- this ADULT CHILD is still looking for a job, any job
What was his major?
His major -- sports management
What the hell is sports management? Is this any job?
Do you know that 5 years after college MORE than half of all college graduates are NOT working in their major fields of study
Follow me here
Your education should lead you to a job, any job but hopefully a good job, a good job or your choosing
Then -- you aren't some poor jobless slug -- you will have the job that you want
not going to job fairs --
filling out hundreds of job applications for which you have no shot of getting any job --
sitting at home waiting for unemployment checks without any job--
sponging off Mom and Dad without any job
Back to that word CRAP which is now a CRAP life
As an Action Principles Champion, here is how you get the job you want
Very simply -- cover your own ass
take courses that are as job specific as possible
Everything about getting the job YOU want is about NETWORKING for the job
Networking -- Networking is the key to get any job
Some professors are USELESS to you in finding a job
They are ivory tower nitwits and clueless
However, some professors are directly or indirectly working in their fields of study and where you are looking for a job
Many of these are Adjunct Professors teaching at night
Let THESE professors with REAL life experience and connections be your mentors - you don't want any job - you want the job that these professors can find for you
Be their best student and
then let them WANT to help you get internships and part-time work in their -- YOUR -- chosen job - not any job - your chosen job
YES you heard me
Even while you are going to school -- WORK in the field, the job -- get known as a valuable employee -- an asset at that job
If you want to work for Ford or Microsoft -- find people who are ALREADY working for Ford or Microsoft and ask them to help you get an INSIDE track --
Be willing to start at the bottom -- bring coffee, sweep floors -- whatever -- get in the company --
find the power players and work your ass off
Most job seekers and most workers are scared little sheep being led around --
This is NOT you
You are an Action Principles Champion
Beg if necessary -- promise everything for any job
Get your foot in on the ground floor and work your ass off at any job
With your strong work ethic and your attitude you will star at any job
Get a job -- any job to start
Even jobs at Wal-Mart are NOT crappy jobs - any job is a good job to get known and advance
Watch my Real Estate Millionaire Tip series and learn how how Every -- NOT some --
EVERY low level Wal-Mart employee can become a multi-millionaire
Get your butt to Wal-Mart?
Yes, start working -- making money and investing
And, Of course, watch my Million Dollar Career Tip series
How to Get Any Job